Mascia mayor of Sassari, but the voice of the defeated arrives: «Yet we have done a lot for the city»

Electoral defeat in Sassari for the four mayoral candidates defeated by the success of Giuseppe Mascia, captain of Campo Largo. The debacle stings in particular for Nicola Lucchi, who came second with a percentage of just over 25%, lapped by the winner. “I don’t know what didn’t work – declares the leader of the Civics, the triumphant coalition with Nanni Campus in 2019 – We did a lot for the city”. The disappointment also casts doubt on his next commitment to politics: «I’m doing it out of a spirit of service. We’ll see if we can continue.”

Gavino Mariotti, frontman of the centre-right, refuses to be interviewed and comments on the 16.14% obtained with a statement in the press. «The centre-right, Sardinian, civic and autonomist coalition, which I had the honor of leading – reports the rector of the Turritan university – did not meet with the voters’ favor. I sincerely thank all the candidates on the lists who supported me, and I express my deepest respect towards all the citizens of Sassari.” Thus ends quietly the descent into the field of the Magnificent, whose political commitment has suffered the severe blow inflicted by the Monte Nuovo investigation of the DDA of Cagliari which sees him investigated for mafia and secret association.

Lastly, Mariano Brianda and Giuseppe Palopoli bring up the rear of the electoral competition, the former stopping at 5% and the latter at 2.60%. For neither of them, however, is this a failure. «It was a social experiment – comments the former magistrate Brianda, who presented himself with the Constituent for Sassari, Giovani per Sassari and Generazione Sassari lists – We are satisfied». Peace of mind too for the 61-year-old entrepreneur: “We couldn’t compete with the others.” Meanwhile, the latter does not guarantee to continue in politics even as a municipal councilor, a role in which he has distinguished himself in the continuous interface with citizens. “It’s time,” he says, “for the potholes to be repaired by someone else.”

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