Rector of L’Aquila University responds to pro-Palestine protests

L’AQUILA, JUNE 11 – “It is false to say that the University of L’Aquila has not taken a position on what is happening in the Gaza Strip and in the Middle East”. The rector of the University of L’Aquila, Edoardo Alesse replies with these words to the demonstrators protesting in front of the headquarters of the Human Sciences Department. His response, both to the demonstration which saw a red hand painted on the plaque of Palazzo Camponeschi, and to the subsequent note asks for clarity on Univaq’s positions regarding the Palestinian situation. “Univaq’s position – explains the rector – is the one expressed several times by the Crui, the Conference of Rectors, which underlined ‘how the entire university system is united in the request, now received from many parties, for an immediate cessation of hostility and the release of the hostages seized during the inhuman attack of 7 October. The massacre of civilians that has been perpetrated in the Gaza Strip since that date and the simultaneous destruction of all infrastructures, not least the universities, have now exceeded all limits. acceptable’. In this sense, together with President Mattarella, the universities reiterate how urgent it is to ‘put an end to the chain of actions and reactions and allow the start of a process that puts an end to the massacres and finally leads to a stable peace'”. “As for the relationships, referred to in the students’ statement, that the University of L’Aquila maintains with Israeli universities and companies – continues the rector – it is reiterated that, as per the agenda approved by the Academic Senate on 22 last April, Univaq does not intend to give up research projects and programs in collaboration with Israel because they are characterized by respect for scientific research which guarantees progress and advancements in various fields of human knowledge. In the same session it was clarified how the collaborative relationships with Leonardo Spa do not concern research projects that have military applications or purposes”. “That said – he concludes – as rector I will continue to adopt good practices aimed at preserving the right to express any opinion within university spaces”.

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