European election results 2024 | For Meloni over two million preferences

European election results 2024 | For Meloni over two million preferences
European election results 2024 | For Meloni over two million preferences

Meloni: “Low turnout? We need a reflection on the EU”

The low turnout recorded at the European elections “above all opens up a reflection on the role of Europe. It is a theme that we do not see only in Italy, we see it practically throughout the entire continent, and it is a fact that must make us reflect because it is a fact that the Europe is perceived as distant.” Thus the prime minister and leader of FdI, Giorgia Meloni, guest of Rtl. “That Europe has made policies not shared by its citizens can be seen from the results – he adds -, it can be seen from the fact that alternative forces to the left are growing practically throughout Europe. The party that is growing the most in Europe at the moment is that of the Conservatives, therefore the party that I have the honor of leading, and this is a call to policies that are inevitably more pragmatic, less ideological, in some cases less crazy. For example, compared to how some policies of the Green Deal were implemented, the result not enthusiastic about the Greens in Europe I think it sends a clear message.” “I think that we need a Europe that is more capable of listening to citizens, more capable of giving answers, less intrusive on people’s lives, which does not attack people’s freedom, which deals with the major matters that fall within its competence, that is, exactly what we proposed, and I think that the data in this case of turnout should not be seen so much in relation to our national policy but in relation to a Europe that many citizens do not consider important, when in fact it is, because Europe then decides of many things that concern us, but it is not perceived as something that concerns many citizens, and therefore it is a reflection that Europe as a whole will inevitably have to make”, he concludes.


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