Elections in the Novara area, the 15 mayors who ran alone exceeded the quorum

There are many points on which to continue and intervene, starting from schools and public works: «We want to strengthen nursery and primary schools, as well as making various areas safe due to hydrogeological instability. The program also includes a relaunch of trade and tourism, taking advantage of the Abbey of San Salvatore and the spectacular view of all the lakes.

In his list Antonio Airoldi, Roberto Bertoletti, Maria Elena Casati, Fabio Folzi, Zaverio Manni, Monica Mirani, Elisa Ragazzoni, Gabriele Ragazzoni, Enrico Riccardi, Francesco Rossi.

Pella: Alessandro Soldà

For the relaunch of his municipality overlooking Lake Orta he wants to activate new tourism policies that guarantee the well-being of citizens and respect for the characteristics of the territory: .

Particular attention also to historic center and hamlets.

In his list Alessia Chiabotti, Nello Ferlaino, Elena Giacoletti, Massimiliano Lunardi, Roberto Manini, Antonio Denis Mendicino, Christian Peretti, Fabrizio Poli, Donatella Pollini, Stefano Zucchi.

Sozzago: Agostino Antonini

He is 68 years old, a business consultant and president of the Coniugi Rognoni Foundation since 2019. He boasts ten years of experience as a majority municipal councilor between 1975 and 1985 with the then mayor Clementino Zanetti. «We chose the name “We for Sozzago” for the list – he explains – to demonstrate the constant commitment we will give to our country».

Particular attention to viability, respect for the environment and urban decorum, the needs of young and old people, the valorisation of associations, schools and support for the weakest groups”.

In his list Mara Bognetti, Claudio Bosetto, Sara Cacciamali, Ottorino Carpani, Fiorella Ciambrone, Elisabetta Conti, Federico Fossati, Christian Mascia, Ambrogio Rosina, Roberto Toti.

Casalino: Sergio Ferrari
He is 51 years old and it is his fourth time: he was mayor from 2004 to 2019. He aims to strengthen the collaboration with the third sector entities operating in Casalino, Cameriano, Orfengo, Ponzana. Particular attention will be paid to the impact that the construction of the Novara-Vercelli highway integrated with the local proposal of “bypasses” to avoid the hamlets of Orfengo and Cameriano could have.

Over the next 5 years, the development of the production area south of Orfengo on provincial road 11 is also planned.
In his list Erica Bonalli, Sara Cascione, Mattia Geddo, Loris Gennari, Alessandra Giordano, Debora Maderna, Gianluca Mazza, Gianmarco Mazzola, Giuseppe Preziosa, Rossana Zacchi.

Casalbeltrame: Francesco Maura
A 62-year-old entrepreneur, Francesco Maura wants to reopen essential services for the citizen (starting from basic medical assistance) and also enhance the plaster cast gallery designed by star architect Gregotti: «It is also essential to re-establish relationships with all the municipalities in the area to join and propose projects of collective interest”.

In his list Erika Barbierato, Jessica Pescarolo, Ciro Di Bari, Claudio Omarini, Claudia Bertoldi, Laura Momo, Carlo Solarino, Graziano Mantovani, Patrick Erba, Giulia Zvanut.

Fara Novarese: Ennio Prolo
The former banker remains mayor who, once retired, took on the role of treasurer of the Soms-Agricultural Mutual Aid Society and is a volunteer for the Terra Mater association of Fara.

“We are aiming for a country that offers an excellent quality of life – he said on the eve of the vote – and therefore we will try to encourage the renovations of the historic centre, paying attention to young and old”.

The synergy will continue with Briona and Caltignaga who join the Novarese Union
In his list Chiara Baccalaro, Chiara Bellan, Elisabetta Conte, Paolo Demarchi, Giacomo Giordano, Alessandra Ferrari, Bruno Spagnolini, Daniela Ferruta, Letizia Zaggia.

Agrate Conturbia: Simone Tosi

Simone Tosi is the mayor of Agrate Conturbia: he was the only candidate and in the town the voters at 7pm reached 58.40%. Among the points of the program are attention to young people, the fight against cyberbullying and the removal of architectural barriers.

«We will create – he promised – a tourist office to encourage visits to our territory and we will start work on the tower of the Agrate castle».

In his list: Patrizia Cerutti, Andrea Cocco, Beatrice Julita, Chiara Lazzarotto, Matteo Perri, Roberta Platini, Alessio Sacco, Federico Tondini, Giancarlo Visconti, Marco Zonca.

Barengo: Fabio Maggeni

He will stand again after three mandates and will thus be able to reach twenty years of leading the country. «In the town – he anticipated during the election campaign – a new pedestrian area will be created, taking up the project of the Giuseppe Savoini promenade, from Piazza Travaglini to Via Bagnati».

Strengthening services for the elderly and young people are also part of the program. In his list Eleonora Zanari, Marcello Rabozzi, Riccardo Savoini, Mattia Zanetta, Lorenzo Peroni, Mattia Zanetta, Lorenzo Peroni, Marco Granata, Gaudenzio Boniperti, Rebecca Bani, Bruno Cosenza, Simone Famà.

Briga Novarese: Chiara Barbieri

She has been mayor for ten years and was confirmed. «Our priority – specifies Barbieri – is the sharing of ideas through a continuous exchange of information with citizens, as has happened in the last two mandates. We would also like to exploit telemedicine to remotely monitor non-critical situations.”

Cultural promotion with exhibitions, traveling readings and activities linked to traditions is of great importance.

In his list: Daniele Vergani, Marco Prelli, Matilde Paonessa, Lorenzo Cucchi, Slvia Barbieri, Riccardo Bellosta, Carmen Alliata, Christian Frisone, Lucia Piccirillo, Giancarlo Angelo Bellosta.

Cressa: Ilaria Zola

Ilaria Zola promised: «We will strive to always be present and available to listen to the needs of citizens; share and inform on decisions made and provide timely updates; collaborate with associations in promoting the country and in projects of public interest”.

In the field of social policies, the activation of a municipal nursing service is envisaged. In his list Giuseppe Beltrame, Luigi Ceratti, Alessandro Garbagnoli, Mauro Godio, Lorenzo Maria Marcioni, Eleonora Pagani, Giorgio Poletti, Giovanni Tizzoni, Beatrice Valli.

Caltignaga: Pietro Antonio Miglio
He is 61 years old, a law professor in the Vignale branch of the Ravizza professional institute, Miglio aims for a radical arrangement of streets and sidewalks, including the elimination of architectural barriers.”

An «agreement with the Municipality of Novara – he underlines – will allow the cycle-pedestrian connection with the capital. The contacts initiated with Anas are aimed at the creation of roundabouts at the southern entrance and at the Sologno intersection”.
In his list Paolo Colombo, Gabriele Di Raimondo, Claudio Fabris, Giorgia Ferrari, Filippo Lancerotto, Stefano Panzetta, Carlo Peci, Filippa Pettinato, Eleonora Tirelli, Franca Valsesia.

Marano Ticino: Franco Merli
The first time dates back to 1981. Since then Franco Merli has always been mayor of Marano Ticino except from 2004 to 2009, a mandate in which he assumed the position of deputy to comply with the law on consecutive election limits then in force.

The priority is the creation of a municipal nursery in via Sempione. In his list Rosanna Barcarolo, Marco Caponi, Mauro Comazzi, Salvatore Di Carluccio, Alfredo Gibbin, Riccardo Gibin, Cristina Lazzarini, Ugo Pigatto, Roberta Rizzo and Roberto Turetta.

Paruzzaro: Matteo Mora
He goes from councilor to mayor. «We will aim to improve safety and the viability of some roads> he announced on the eve of the vote. Without underestimating environmental issues: «We would like to set up an energy community to share renewable energy and also map and redevelop some paths».

In his list: Giovanna Bonaiti in Miglio, Gerardo Romaniello, Luca Curioni, Silvia Brandalesi, Davide Scarso, Lara Lo Cascio, Michela Travaini in Orlando, Girolama Serafino known as Mimma, Stefano Caligara.

Sizzano: Celsino Ponti
Green light for third term. He promised more attention to the social fabric «through the implementation of personal services, the finding of other economic resources that will allow us to make the country even more “comfortable” and safe. We think of Sizzano as the town of good living”

The construction of a tensile structure for indoor sports and the adaptation of the sports center are planned
In his list: Alberto Bianchi, Andrea Pedrana, Enrico Maggiore, Gianluca Crepaldi, Manuela Orlando, Marco Bellingeri, Maria Teresa Maggiore, Silvia Zancato, Sonia Fozzati, Stefano Vercelloni

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