«We want Serie C» Il Tirreno

LIVORNO. Tuscan accent, few turns of phrase and a great desire to get to the point. No pre-packaged speeches, few banalities and in every sentence the feeling of having someone in front of you who knows what you’re doing and even something more. The first press conference of Paolo Indiani as coach of Livorno he has already made it clear that, on the technical side, compared to other years there is a different music. He, excited, is a river in flood: he answers questions without finding shortcuts and immediately sets the bar of ambition high. «We will do everything to bring Livorno back to where it deserves – begins the “magician of Certaldo” -. And we will do everything to win back our fans. The fan must follow us at home and away because he identifies with the team, suffers, fights and rejoices with it. In Arezzo I said that I would like to win and bring 5 thousand people back to the stadium. I hope to do the same, but to have 10 thousand fans at Picchi.”

Mister, why Livorno?

«Because Livorno is Livorno. It’s a great honor for me to be here. I’m excited because every time I came as an opponent I wondered if one day I could be on that bench. I thank the president who looked for me and wanted me strongly. I repeat, we will do everything to bring the city of Livorno back to the football it deserves.”

A single objective, therefore.

“Exact. It will be a difficult year, in a never banal championship in which only one team wins and the others have to try again the following year. But we are convinced we can do it. And the main reason why I am in Livorno is because winning here would be a different satisfaction from all the other places where I have been.”

What does it take to win in Serie D, something that Livorno hasn’t managed in recent years?

«We needed Indians as a coach, (smiles, ed). Did I answer correctly?”.

What types of players do you need to get promoted?

«We need people who cry when you lose or play badly. And consequently rejoice greatly when he wins. We want players who are proud of the shirt they wear. If someone is good technically, but doesn’t cry when he loses, we don’t care. All the players we choose will be towards this direction.”

In his career he often worked with the 4-3-3.

«Yes, but football always moves forward and the modules leave the time they find. You have to be ready to change because within a match there are 200 or 300. It’s clear, the first time I looked out from the stadium circle I said: with a pitch like this, let’s keep the ball low and low. The fundamental principle of Livorno must be one: play, play, play.”

There is one under less this year.

«I’m almost sorry. In San Donato we won with the unders and more or less also in Arezzo. They are very fundamental, especially the younger one. The choice of 2006 will be delicate, decisive. We will try to have nine-ten “quotas” and in all roles, including goalkeeper. Young people is the aspect we are working on the most in these first days.”

Have you already thought about confirmations? There are also players like Brenna who she has already had and who have won with her.

«If I said we hadn’t thought about it I’d be lying, but we haven’t decided anything yet. Of course, if there are players you’ve already had and they’ve won with you, they’re one step ahead. But for now we are thinking more about the unders.”

Luci will still be amaranth.

“Yes. I’ve already spoken to him and we have another appointment today (yesterday, ed.). Whether he is on the pitch or not he will always be our captain and I know that he will give us a great help from every point of view.”

Team building times?

«I expect to have 90% of the squad ready for the start of the training camp and not for the start of the championship. Then if a couple of pieces are missing it’s not a problem, but by the end of July it will need to be almost in place.”

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