For 30 years he beat and threatened his wife and daughter, on one occasion he threw a television at them: 60-year-old arrested in Novara

For 30 years he beat and threatened his wife and daughter, on one occasion he threw a television at them: 60-year-old arrested in Novara
For 30 years he beat and threatened his wife and daughter, on one occasion he threw a television at them: 60-year-old arrested in Novara

NOVARA – A 60-year-old was arrested for beating and insulting his wife and daughter for about 30 years. The man is now in precautionary custody in prison, after the Novara court became aware of the mistreatment thanks to the statements of the two victims and some witnesses contacted by the police.

In particular, according to what was reported by the police officers, the 60-year-old threatened his wife with phrases such as: “I will set fire to the house, I will blow it up so as not to leave anything and I will kill you”. The threats worsened especially on the day the woman received her salary and on weekends. According to what was declared by the victims, the man suffered from withdrawal symptoms due to the consumption of narcotic substances during which he used to damage walls, doors and windows and, in the absence of money, he constantly demanded it from his wife to the point of pestering her even on site. of work.

The threats also extended to her daughter and often resulted in violence. In an episode reported in a note from the state police, we read that “on one occasion, he physically attacked her wife by throwing a television at her, demanding that she remove her daughter from the house. At that point, the woman took refuge on the upper floor of the house and her husband joined her, trying to break down the door with a hammer.”

The suspect is now confined in the Novara prison at the disposal of the judicial authorities.

How to ask for help

If you are subjected to abuse, threats and you feel unsafe, you can call the Single anti-violence and stalking number 1522. The telephone operators dedicated to the service provide an initial response to the needs of victims of gender violence and stalking, offering useful information and orientation towards the public and private socio-health services present on the national territory and included in the official mapping of the Presidency of the Council – Equal Opportunities Department. 1522, through support for victims, supports the emergence of the request for help, with absolute guarantee of anonymity. Cases of violence that are of an emergency nature are treated with a specific technical-operational procedure shared with the police.

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