Reggio Calabria, SviProRe in chaos. The former CEO is very harsh

Reggio Calabria, SviProRe in chaos. The former CEO is very harsh
Reggio Calabria, SviProRe in chaos. The former CEO is very harsh

Serafino Nucera, former CEO of Svi.Pro.Re SpAresponds very harshly to the current one CEO of SVIPRORE Spa that “in a 5-page self-celebratory editorial – states Nucera – he states that with his management in the years 20/23 he has restored the company’s accounts. Everything that has been published is not true. In fact, just look at the SVIPRORE website under financial statements and you can see that the company, in the years 2018/19, closed the financial statements with an operating profit. Perhaps the current CEO was not careful enough to read the financial statement data published on the site!! Just as he was negligent in not updating it until March 2, 2024, following the careful denunciation of the metropolitan councilor Armando Neri who, in a note denounced the lack of transparency in the management of the company. This is a very serious matter for a subsidiary company with similar control. And all this in the most deafening silence on the part of some managers and the heads of the subsidiaries of the Metropolitan City“.

That the current management of SVIPRORE is unclear – continues Nucera – can also be seen from an article from a few days ago in a local newspaper where it was reported that SVIPRORE had published a somewhat anomalous notice for the hiring of two professional figures in legal-administrative and financial accounting field. Strangely, however, registration in the registers of liberal professions was not required, which is essential for the type of relationship required… But really the seal that marks the current “excellent management” of the company was given by the local press during the last Christmas period with the organization of “Reggio Christmas City” whose events were entrusted to SVIPRORE from the metropolitan city for a cost of 340 thousand euros! Everyone knows that the result was the most sensational flop in the history of Reggio Calabria, embarrassing due to the disorganization and planning inconclusiveness in addition to an incredible waste of public money, where it was possible to attend concerts with less than 10 spectators, Christmas houses never opened and erected without authorization on public land before the awarding decisions”.

“That my management – it still continues Nucera – was unquestionable, both in accounts and in facts, is clear for all to see. I will mention only a few things but they are useful for the continuity of the company which was about to be sent into liquidation and carried out by the undersigned: starting from the statutory adaptation to the new service contracts, from the anti-evasion campaigns of the wells and thermal systems, from the mapping of the driveways and of advertising billboards on all the streets of the Metropolitan city including those of the Municipality of Condofuri “extra service contract”, and many other initiatives never financed by the Metropolitan city but self-financed by the Company. Sviprore under my management was registered with the ANAC (National Anti-Corruption Authority) in order to be able to operate legally. In this regard, I would like to ask the current CEO and the Shareholder (Metropolitan City) why the Company is not registered in the new list of qualified companies of the ANAC – articles. 62 and 63 of Legislative Decree 36/2023 – (unlike Hermes and Castore). This alleged anomaly raises a series of questions regarding the legality of the assignments that the company received in the so-called “above threshold”. Could it have been an oversight on the part of the CEO or of those who deal with the investee companies?”.

Nucera concludes his press release: “I have never received a warning from politics, never a complaint from citizens or a press article of negative criticism, but the Shareholder, rather than giving continuity to virtuous management, deemed it more appropriate to choose a “super Manager” (without titles) supporting other interests than the merocratic ones (to protect my rights I turned to the Court). My management for three years and not for 3 financial years as stated in Art 2385 of the Civ code was deemed unextendable by the Public Shareholder, it is a pity that this rule only applied to myself, given that the current administrator has far exceeded the three-year expiration of his mandate, continuing to manage the company by publishing notices for the hiring of new consultants. Despite my qualifications and my decades of experience in managing investee companies, I have never considered myself a great manager but an administrator who has always done his job with great professionalism and a lot of humility. I am convinced that justice, even if slow, arrives sooner or later…”

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