Thousands for Ferdinandi: «The soul of Perugia has been awakened». Scoccia: «Courage of strength and ideas»

Thousands for Ferdinandi: «The soul of Perugia has been awakened». Scoccia: «Courage of strength and ideas»
Thousands for Ferdinandi: «The soul of Perugia has been awakened». Scoccia: «Courage of strength and ideas»

by Daniele Bovi and Danilo Nardoni

From the squares in the center to those of the parks passing through the clubs. The electoral campaign also ended in Perugia on Friday, certainly one of the most participatory and hard-fought ever. Vittoria Ferdinandi, candidate of the centre-left, filled Piazza IV Novembre (over four thousand present according to the organisers) where she rallied not only supporters but also musicians such as DJ Ralf, Paolo Benvegnù and Melancholia. «Tonight – she said – is the worthy conclusion of an extraordinary electoral campaign, carried out house by house, street by street, dialogue with citizens, with confidence in the battles we have fought, in the proposals we present».


Ferdinandi «What you have given me is a very strong emotion, which we have given ourselves from day one – he said -. At the first Capitini event I promised you that I would take you to the sea. Today I realize that the sea is already here. A sea of ​​people that gives me the measure of the miracle we have accomplished. We, together, are and will continue to be a gentle revolution, as written in Dacia Maraini’s beautiful book. Because kindness, together with beauty, are the antidote to save the world, our community, our Perugia.” «And we, in this beautiful campaign made up of listening, hugs, ideas, participation, smiles and tears – said the candidate for mayor – we were guided by kindness, love, joy and desire . From individual hopes that become common political projects. We dared the impossible, defying the predictions. We have awakened the soul of this complex and stratified city.”


The city «Which is that of the acropolis and that of the Ponti – he added – those hamlets and that of the centre. We crossed it far and wide, covering hundreds of kilometers on foot. Whatever role awaits us from Monday, I want to say that Perugia must be loved and not used. Perugia must be served with love and generosity because it is the greatest honor a Perugian can receive. We want to change this city and not just govern it. The beauty of this journey of ours was to go with a smile towards people, contradictions, needs and shortcomings, without fear. Welcoming the other as an opportunity and not as a problem. For us, uniqueness and diversity are an asset.”

Baseness «We have not been affected – continued Vittoria Ferdinandi – by the indignities we have received and had to endure. They only define the human level of certain politics and certain human beings. We have our gaze turned to the sky. We are free and proud people, we have no chains. And this is what scares others the most. But we are a multitude, an unstoppable force. We are the destiny of this city.”

Annoying The centre-right candidate Margherita Scoccia instead chose Barton Park in Pian di Massiano, where she held a speech in front of a few hundred people: «It is a moment of celebration and we must enjoy it – she said – because we have done a great job work and then we will wait for the result of the polls.” As for the possibility of a high turnout, Scoccia underlined that «this means that the city is responding to a very important electoral moment and beyond the results this is a note of merit for Perugia which has awakened a political interest which is also important with respect to the national averages”.

The turnout Scoccia, however, does not know whether this data could favor one candidate over another: «We can only see this at the end because I only believe that there is a desire to give one’s contribution to the city and this means that in recent years the administration Romizi has reawakened the relationship with the citizens.” A thought also came from our opponents: «We had the courage and strength of our ideas which we carried forward with determination and if anything comes out of these comparisons it is the clarity of our respective proposals».

Long and tiring “It was a long and at times tiring electoral campaign.” «We have a clear, precise and defined idea – said Scoccia – of the Perugia that will be. A city where everything is in its place and which leaves no one behind. It is the most important commitment that those with political responsibilities must carry out.” «The role of mayor, as I conceive it – he observed – is to represent the whole city, to unite the whole city, to take charge of the problems and expectations of the whole city, never of just one part. This is how it has been in recent years with Andrea Romizi and this is how it will be with me, if the citizens were to give me the honor of covering this role.” «Tomorrow I will go to vote – she added – and then, after exhausting months of commitments, I will finally have a few hours of time to go home to my husband and my children».

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