“From mayor priority to local economy and budget”

Vittorio Boccieri’s electoral campaign ended this afternoon – with an outdoor rally in Via Verdi, near the Church of the Rosario. After the mayoral candidates Laura Nargi and Rino Genovese, the Irpinia lawyer also held the last public meeting, flanked by the team of councilor candidates who make up the list that supports him, “Progetto Avellino Futura”.

An unexpected candidacy, that of Boccieri, arrived at the last minute to replace that of the former councilor of the Municipality of Avellino Luigi Urciuoli, struck by a serious illness which prevented him from running for the position of mayor of the capital of Irpinia.

Active participation of all citizens, recovery of the municipal budget, transparency, improvement of public services, economic-sustainable development, especially of rural and peripheral areas, education and culture are the main points of the electoral program disclosed during the electoral campaign by Boccieri and the 23 councilor candidates, united convincingly by the choice of wanting to give continuity to the political project of the former M5S councilor Luigi Urciuoli for the city of Avellino. And even at the end of the electoral campaign, Boccieri expressed closeness to Urciuoli and above all joy at the improvement in his health. In fact, yesterday’s news reported that the former councilor was extubated and left intensive care, more than a month after his emergency admission to the Moscati Hospital.

“For us it represents another victory: Luigi Urciuoli has recovered and I believe he will also be able to vote. After 45 days of suffering, linked to the problem that affected him, it is a pleasure to know that he is better”.

For Boccieri, what ended this afternoon was a positive electoral campaign for the climate that was created around the list. “The feeling we received is that there was a certain sympathy towards us. We behaved in a coherent, clear and transparent way. Characteristics that have been missing in the municipal public administration in the last 10 years”.

Specifically, the mayoral candidate refers to the failure to publish the resolutions by the former mayor Festa and his council: “This exposed the actions of the Municipality to ventilated censures and ultimately resulted in exposure to public ridicule of the city of Avellino, which did not deserve this mortification, as I have always said, are made in the courtrooms, not in the stages, in the squares or on television. Avellino must regain its dignity, and this is one of the issues to be addressed as a matter of priority.”

“By examining the final balance sheet for 2022 – he added – I was able to see that Avellino actually has a budget deficit of over 100 million euros. The next mayor, therefore, will have to take care not only of keeping the accounts in order, as far as possible , but also to promote economics and finance”.

Then, the candidate for the tricolor band recalled the challenges he is ready to face if he is elected by the citizens, called to vote from tomorrow 8 June, starting from 3.30 pm: “On our list there are the skills to create, first and foremost, economy through planning and planning of activities that can be carried out in the area, above all, one of the first things we would like to do is to clear the Municipality’s coffers so that the citizens of Avellino do not pay the maximum rates for all services, as is happening”.

“To create an economy, it is not enough to resort to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which still represents a debt, but we must encourage private investment in the Avellino area and obtain a certain availability also from the central government” he concluded.

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