Nursing clinics have been active since July 1st in the community homes of Busto and Saronno

Nursing clinics have been active since July 1st in the community homes of Busto and Saronno
Nursing clinics have been active since July 1st in the community homes of Busto and Saronno

From the 1st July the Community Houses of Busto Arsizio and Saronno they will be equipped with two nursing clinics, managed by nurses (c/o the Pozzi Pavilion in Busto Arsizio and Via Fiume in Saronno).

The nursing clinics will guarantee a wide range of services for the care and promotion of health and will have Completely free access.

Accessible by appointment, they will be open from Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 20.00, on Saturday and Sunday from 8.00 to 15.00.

The services offered will enhance the territorial socio-health offer, improving both accessibility and usability for citizens, and will include (among others) the parameter monitoring – blood pressure, saturation, blood sugar – thepatient care with vascular accesses or Peg carriers, pain assessment, medications and assistance to patients with vascular access, educational interventions aimed at self-care.

«The activation of nursing clinics contributes to the strengthening of the local socio-health offer, through the provision of services that respond to health and socio-health needs that require basic and advanced nursing skills – explains the Social Health Director of ASST Valle Olona, ​​Dr. John Tremamondo – These clinics meet the needs of citizens to access health services and primary care services and constitute a bridge between hospital and local services, guaranteeing concrete continuity of care. The statistics reveal their positive impact, from the accessibility of services to the management of chronic diseases.”

To access the clinics, by appointment, a referral from the General Practitioner is required (or Specialist Doctor) with request for evaluation and/or nursing intervention.

Appointments and reservations:

Busto Arsizio
PUA Community House, from Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 20.00, Saturday, Sunday and weekly holidays from 8.00 to 15.30, tel. 0331 388011, email: [email protected]

PUA Community House, from Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 20.00, Saturday/Sunday and weekly holidays from 8.00 to 15.30, tel. 02-9613907, email: [email protected]

The nursing clinics enrich the offer of the Community Houses of ASST Valle Olona. There are currently eight active ones, in which various operators work, including outpatient specialists, nurses, midwives, rehabilitation technicians, social workers, administrative staff and support staff.

With services and benefits ranging from the Single Access Point (PUA) to the home care service; from the Single Booking Center (CUP) to administrative services (choice and revocation, registration with the SSR, request for a health card, ticket exemptions and reimbursements).

And again: information desk, general medicine, family and community nurses, continuity of care, personal social services, blood sampling point, mental health and addiction services, but also screening programs and outpatient medicine and diagnostics.

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