Meteo Veneto, the forecast for Saturday 8 June: overcast skies and sunny spells

These are the forecasts in Veneto for Saturday 8 June and the trend for Sunday 9: the weather should be sunny everywhere with temperatures up to 30 degrees. The region raised the alarm yesterday through the decentralized functional center of the civil protection of the region. The operational phase of attention for hydraulic risk relates to the persistence of high levels along the Adige river. The notice is valid until 2pm on Saturday 8 June 2024.


Saturday partly cloudy. Temperatures between 20°C and 30°C. The winds will be predominantly weak and will blow from the south-south-east with an intensity of 7 km/h. Gusts up to 11 km/h possible. Visibility: good. Scattered clouds on Sunday. Temperatures between 20°C and 29°C. Wind from east-northeast with intensity of 9 km/h. Gusts up to 22 km/h. Visibility: good.


Alternating showers and sunny spells on Saturday. Temperatures 17°C minimum and 25°C maximum. Wind from South-South-West with intensity of 9 km/h. Gusts up to 12 km/h. Visibility: good. Showers and sunny spells on Sunday. Temperatures between 18°C ​​and 25°C. Weak southerly winds with intensity of 8 km/h. Gusts up to 13 km/h possible. Visibility: good.


Scattered clouds expected on Saturday. Temperatures 20°C minimum and 30°C maximum. No wind. Visibility: good. Passing clouds on Sunday. Temperatures 21°C minimum and 28°C maximum. Wind from east-northeast with intensity of 12 km/h. Gusts up to 26 km/h. Visibility: good.


Saturday partly cloudy or hazy. Temperatures between 20°C and 30°C. Wind from the South with an intensity of 6 km/h. Gusts up to 10 km/h. Visibility: good. Harmless clouds on Sunday. Minimum temperatures of 20 °C and maximum of 28 °C. Wind from east-northeast with intensity of 10 km/h. Gusts up to 21 km/h. Visibility: good.


Little cloud cover on Saturday. Temperatures between 21°C and 29°C. South wind with intensity of 9 km/h. Gusts up to 11 km/h. Visibility: good. Scattered clouds on Sunday. Temperatures between 20°C and 28°C. The winds will be predominantly weak and will blow from east-south-east with an intensity of 9 km/h. Gusts of up to 20 km/h are possible. Visibility: good.


Saturday partly cloudy. Temperatures between 21°C and 26°C. Wind from south-south-east with intensity of 11 km/h. Gusts up to 13 km/h. Visibility: good. Scattered clouds on Sunday. Temperatures between 20°C and 26°C. Wind from east-south-east with intensity of 9 km/h. Gusts up to 18 km/h. Visibility: good.


Little cloud cover on Saturday. Temperatures between 20°C and 31°C. Wind from the south-east with an intensity of 6 km/h. Gusts up to 17 km/h. Visibility: good. Scattered clouds on Sunday. Temperatures 20°C minimum and 30°C maximum. The winds will be predominantly weak and will blow from the east with an intensity of 9 km/h. Gusts of up to 25 km/h are possible. Visibility: good.

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