Slow Food, Trentino Universities and Civic Uses united for Overshoot Day: «Clean and healthy food generates peace» – Health and Wellbeing

Slow Food, Trentino Universities and Civic Uses united for Overshoot Day: «Clean and healthy food generates peace» – Health and Wellbeing
Slow Food, Trentino Universities and Civic Uses united for Overshoot Day: «Clean and healthy food generates peace» – Health and Wellbeing

TRENT. Conferences, conferences, screenings and also good food and local markets: it is «Overshoot Day 2024» in Trento, at the University’s Sociology faculty, in via Verdi, from today to Sunday.

What is Overshoot day? «indicates on an illustrative level the day on which humanity entirely consumes the resources produced by the planet for the entire year». Last year it was in August, but for 2024 it will be much earlier.

The theme of the three days, in Trento, is «Good, clean and fair food for all as a model of sustainability, culture of peace and laboratory of the future», a Slow Food Trentino Alto Adige initiative in collaboration with the Department of Sociology and Social Research – University of Trento and with the patronage of the Municipality of Trento, the autonomous Province, and the participation of the Provincial Association of Trentino ASUCs, the UNESCO Club of Trento and the Italian Touring Club.
​«According to the Global Footprint Network, for 2024 too, the Over Shoot Day date for our country falls before the middle of the year. If the whole world lived and consumed like in Italy, as early as May 19, 2024 it would be necessary to access the resources that the planet is capable of regenerating in future years. Globally this date has been calculated as July 25th. Starting from this reflection, Slow Food Trento Alto Adige APS proposes two days of in-depth analysis on the issues of sustainability and the link between the climate crisis and the food production, distribution and consumption system.
Food systems use 50% of the biocapacity of our planet, it is therefore essential, if we want to implement the ecological transition, to be aware of what we eat and of the supply chains that bring food to our tables, in canteens, on shop shelves and on the market stalls.”

Slow Food Trentino’s partner in the initiative is the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento, which will host all the initiatives. Inauguration at the Department of Sociology Friday 7 June at 5.30pm with a conference dedicated to mountain pastures, mountain huts and the governance of the High Lands organized by the Domini Collettivi with Marta Villa, cultural anthropologist of the Department of Sociology, Mauro Iob, jurist of the Centro Studi Demani Civici of the Department of Economics and Management, Geremia Gios, director of the Centro Studi Demani Civici and extraordinary professor of agricultural economics of the Department of Economics and Elisa Tomasella, lawyer of the provincial association ASUC Trentino. There will also be interventions by the ASUC presidents of the Territory, the provincial councilor lawyer. Mattia Gottardi and the councilor of the Municipality of Trento Italo Gilmozzi.
Saturday 8 JuneInstead, some small-scale producers of good, clean food will be livening up Via Verdi right at the Earth Market, while laboratories, meetings, workshops and conferences will continue in the Sociology classrooms. Of particular importance will be the meeting dedicated to the social meanings of food innovation: we will try to understand how new categories of food products are socially categorized and emotionally perceived together with Alberto Nucciarelli and Maddalena Simeon, coordinated by Giuseppe Sciortino, director of the Department of Sociology.
Fundamental in content and theme will be the round table on raw milk in the Trentino dairy supply chain with Giampaolo Gaiarin and the testimony of Emanuela Ceruti, Piedmontese producer of the Macagn Slow Food Presidium and all the Trentino shepherds and cheesemakers.

The day will close with a screening, with debate, of the documentary “Limit” made by 4 young Trentino film-makers from the BuenVivir Association: the film tells the story of the bicycle journey made by Emanuele and Simone da Trento to the Tre Cime di Lavaredo. The itinerary was marked by meetings, dialogues, impressions, silences and reflections that lead the spectator to ask himself what limit we still have to overcome in the Highlands, what development alternative is possible. The debate will be moderated by Marta Villa, an anthropologist expert in the High Lands and will feature an introduction by Katia Malatesta, collaborator of the Religion Today Film Festival.
It will be an opportunity to meet and get to know the custodians of our valleys, those who with their daily work make them alive and livable, protect biodiversity, produce with respect for the environment and resources, thus giving value to the territory and the communities that they live there. There will be two days of study, reflection and dissemination to understand alternative models to the dominant ones aimed at maximizing profits, models, on the contrary, which manage to support paradigms based on care, on the protection of biodiversity, balance with nature, social justice.
The initiative is part of the national calendar “Road To Terra Madre”, the path that throughout Italy and the world builds the contents and requests that will be protagonists at Terra Madre 2024. From 26 to 30 September, in fact, they will meet in Turin the food communities of the Slow Food network from 160 countries around the world.
All initiatives are free to enter, for workshops we recommend booking at [email protected]

Friday 7 June 2024
Room 20 Department of Sociology and Social Research – University of Trento
From 5.30pm to 7pm
​”Territories of Life: the collective Domains take care of the agro-forestry-pastoral heritage.
Mountain huts and pastures in the High Lands”
​The communities safeguard their collective heritage by improving it: in the Trentino Highlands, mountain huts and pastures are increasingly at risk of abandonment, this leads to the loss of an important cultural and natural protection of the territory. The study of the governance that these communities put into practice can be useful for reactivating other social territories and other contexts. Comparison is necessary to activate development policies in contrast to abandonment.

Saturday 8 June 2024
Verdi street
From 10am to 6pm

Meeting with the producers, tasting and purchasing good, clean and fair food from our valleys with more than 20 exhibitors.

Department of Sociology and Social Research – University of Trento
10.00 am: «What’s in a name? The social meanings of food innovation» The Cattle is Dead, Long Live the Cattle! project It tries to understand how new categories of food products are socially categorized and emotionally perceived, the interpretative schemes that define or not the emergence of new product sectors.
Speeches by: Alberto Nucciarelli, Concepts, categories and food innovation: the strange case of cultivated and synthetic meat
Maddalena Simeon, Insects, test tubes and hamburgers: how novel foods are thought of. Coordinator: Giuseppe Sciortino

Department of Sociology and Social Research – University of Trento
11.00 am «Learning about the High Lands through the culture of awareness». A tasting journey among the production of good, clean and fair food in the Highlands to explore together the role of the custodians of biodiversity in the action to mitigate the climate crisis. Through the tasting of cheeses, honey, breads and other mountain products, concepts such as biodiversity, land governance, landscape, climate crisis and ecological transition will be addressed.

Via Verdi c/o The Earth Market
1.30 pm Presentation of the project
“Trentino mountain cheeses in the kitchens of the Chefs of the Alliance”
​During the month of June, while like every year since time immemorial the alpine pastures of Trentino are mounted, the taverns and restaurants of the Chefs of the Alliance also undertake to spread the knowledge of the good, clean and fair cheeses of the High Lands of the Communities of Slow Food Presidia.
Hosts and chefs will offer them cooked, paired and tasted, introducing the producers and describing the world of Trentino mountain huts and mountain pastures.

Via Verdi c/o The Earth Market
2.00pm Appeal for food education: knowing to choose. ​
Tommaso Martini, President of Slow Food Trentino Alto Adige Aps, presents the appeal promoted by Slow Food together with the University of Pollenzo and the Laudato Sì communities, for the introduction of food education among the teachings of compulsory schooling. Presentation of experiences in Slow Food Trentino schools. It will be possible to sign the appeal on site and propose ideas and collaborative projects.

Via Verdi c/o The Earth Market
2.30 pm «The value of food for a culture of peace». ​
“If there is an aspect that – in addition to having a space of the highest order as a symbol of peace in every culture or religion – can convey values ​​such as sharing, hospitality, crossbreeding, respect for other cultures and for biodiversity, this is food. I am therefore convinced that understanding nutrition as a social, political and cultural tool can be decisive in addressing the numerous challenges we face” (Carlin Petrini), starting from this reflection Katia Malatesta of the Trentino Forum for Peace talks with Ala Azadkia, spokesperson for the Slow Food Community of producers and co-producers of Qa’en saffron on the meaning of his project for the families of Iranian farmers and the women of social cooperatives involved in the production of eco-sustainable clothing. Speech by Gia La Long with the research project relating to the relationship between migrant communities and food in Trentino.

Kessler Room Department of Sociology and Social Research – University of Trento
3pm – 4.30pm
“Raw milk: food safety and sustainability in the Trentino dairy supply chain”
Scientific intervention: Giampaolo Gaiarin, food technologist; Interventions by the producers (breeders and managers of the dairies) and by Emanuela Ceruti, Piedmontese producer of the Macagn Slow Food Presidium.

Kessler Room Department of Sociology and Social Research – University of Trento
5.00 pm Screening of the documentary “Lìmit” and debate
The debate at the end of the screening will involve various associations and movements and will be introduced by Katia Malatesta and coordinated by Marta Villa.
“The almost romantic contrast between living in the mountains and living in the city leads us to reflect on the fact that the mountains, once a harsh and difficult environment, over time have been tailor-made by urban needs, overcoming those limits which allowed us to live in balance with ecosystems. Lìmit is a documentary that tells the story of Emanuele and Simone’s bicycle journey from Trento to the Tre Cime di Lavaredo, a slow journey to rediscover the mountain in its most intimate beauty: the bike becomes the means of transport. which unites the two protagonists with the surrounding environment, an environment continually hit by the climate crisis and mass tourism.

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