“Chlorophyll”, end-of-year exhibition by the students of the Carrara Academy

Bergamo. A few more days of waiting and then “Chlorophyll”, the traditional end-of-year exhibition of the students of the G. Carrara Academy of Fine Arts – Polytechnic of the Arts, will flourish in the city with a series of initiatives open to the entire Bergamo community. The exhibition, which this year reaches its sixteenth edition, will allow you to discover the works created by over 200 young artists – students – during the last academic year in the three-year courses in Painting and New Technologies for Art and the two-year specialist courses in Painting and Multimedia Arts and Cultures.

A precious connection between contemporary art and the territory, «Clorofilla» will come to life in multiple locations to offer greater opportunities for dialogue between students and the public. The official inauguration will be held on Wednesday 12 June at the Academy (from 6pm to 10.30pm with a live set of electronic music), in the new branch office in via Pignolo n. 73 (from 5pm) and in GAMeC (from 5pm). In the following days, the exhibitions set up inside the Caprotti Park will also be open (13 June from 5pm with performances scheduled from 5.30pm to 6.30pm), the Donizetti Studio (13 June from 6pm), at the Spazio Giacomo (13 June from 6pm) , at the Kilometro Rosso (14 June at 10.30), at the newly restored seventeenth-century Polveriera of the Botanical Garden of Bergamo. (14 June at 12pm).

The works can be admired in the headquarters and in via Pignolo until June 15th (10am – 6.30pm), at the Caprotti Park until June 16th (8am – 8pm), at the Donizetti Studio until the 20th (Monday to Saturday, 3.30pm – 7.30pm), at the Spazio Giacomo until 22 June (Monday to Saturday, 3.30pm – 7.30pm) and at the Polveriera of the Botanical Garden until 23 June (2pm – 6pm).

“The end-of-year exhibition of the G.Carrara Academy of Fine Arts, now the Polytechnic of the Arts of Bergamo, is a fundamental event – ​​underlines Francesco Pedrini, deputy director of the Polytechnic of the Arts with responsibility for the direction of the Academy of Fine Arts –. For 16 years it has been called Clorofilla, a name that dates back to Mario Cresci’s direction, in which students opened their doors to the city with the work carried out during the year. Today the Academy, with the same experimental spirit, faces the challenges of our time with the same freshness and outlook on the world. The driving force behind everything is the energy of our students who I hope will find in our institution a home that listens to them, where the challenge of their own future and that of society finds meaning, in which art and culture are the true weapon for deciphering and relaunch their existence.” «The various collaborations with prestigious bodies in the city and the province, the most disparate areas in which the research is conducted, demonstrate that there is a proactive movement in which we can trust – specifies Pedrini -. I thank all the teachers who passionately supported all these knowledge processes which position us among the most appreciated Academies on the national scene”.

“Chlorophyll Art Prize” – “The Yellow Knight” Award

End of year exhibition of the students of the Carrara Academy

Also confirmed for this year is the collaboration with the “Il Cavaliere Giallo” Association, which will reward a work in the exhibition with a contribution of 800 euros. Created precisely to support the young artists of the Academy, this recognition will be awarded after a careful evaluation by a technical commission composed of the President Mario Cresci (Founder of “Clorofilla” and Co-Founder of «Il Cavaliere Giallo»), Francesco Pedrini (Deputy Director of the Polytechnic of the Arts of Bergamo with delegation from the Academy of Fine Arts), Elisa Muscatelli (independent curator The Blank), Maria Teresa Azzola (President of the Association “The Yellow Knight”), Adonella Vanotti (Vice President of the Association “The Yellow Knight” ), Mariella Cesareni (Director of the “The Yellow Knight” Association). The work will later be donated to contribute to the formation of a Permanent Collection of the Academy’s students. The awards ceremony will be held on Friday 14 June at 6pm in Piazza Carrara.

Open Day

Like every year, in conjunction with the exhibition, an Open Day of the Academy of Fine Arts will be held to reveal the three-year courses in Painting (Visual Arts), Multimedia (New Technologies of Art) and the new course in Visual Communication Design from 10:00 am at the headquarters in Piazza G. Carrara 82/d. Reservation is recommended by filling out the appropriate form available on the official website www.accademiabellearti.bg.it

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