Celebration of the 210th anniversary of the Carabinieri in Caltanissetta: various awards presented |

Celebration of the 210th anniversary of the Carabinieri in Caltanissetta: various awards presented |
Celebration of the 210th anniversary of the Carabinieri in Caltanissetta: various awards presented |

Sober but intense ceremony, yesterday afternoon. Numerous authorities and many citizens were present. The provincial commander Vincenzo Pascale will do the honors. Names and details on Radio Rcs Sicilia

The provincial commander Vincenzo Pascale

A sober and intense celebration, valuable and full of meaning. Yesterday afternoon, in Caltanissetta, the 210th anniversary of the foundation of the Carabinieri was celebrated. Doing the honors was the provincial commander Vincenzo Pascale (at Viale Regina Margherita, ed). In the presence of numerous authorities and many citizens.

At the beginning, some historical notes on the Carabinieri were recorded. The message from the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, was read. And after other moments, the institutional greeting from the provincial commander.

Various awards were given to the carabinieri who distinguished themselves during the year. Among these are the ordinary marshal Lorenzo Maggestini, the lieutenant Attilio Granatelli, the brigadier Ivan Petrantoni, the chosen officer Francesco D’Alia (the recognition was presented by the prefect Chiara Armenia).

Other awards to the Caltanissetta investigative unit. “The special lieutenant Nicolò Zuccalà, the chief marshal Leyla Vullo and the deputy brigadier Nicola Camporeale received the recognition, representing all the winners”, specifies the press note. The acting president of the Court of Appeal, Giuseppe Melisenda Giambertoni, delivered the certificate.

Congratulations from the provincial Carabinieri Commander of Caltanissetta as the first certificate of merit granted to the Commander and the employees of the operational and mobile radio unit of Mussomeli. Special Lieutenant Carmelo Sedita received the recognition, representing all the winners. The award was presented by the Attorney General of Caltanissetta, Fabio D’Anna.

“Satisfaction from the provincial Carabinieri Commander of Caltanissetta as the first certificate of merit granted to the Commander and the employees of the operational section of the Gela territorial department”, continues the press release. Obviously for each recognition there is a detailed motivation.

A moment of the ceremony

Receiving the recognition was the special charge lieutenant Rosario Piscopo and the chosen officer Alessandro Di Dio representing all the winners. The award was presented by the Chief Prosecutor of Caltanissetta, Salvatore De Luca.

Congratulations from the provincial commander of the Carabinieri of Caltanissetta as the first certificate of merit granted to the commander and the staff of the operational section of Gela. The ordinary marshal Rosario Lo Chiano and the chief brigadier Francesco Messina, representing all the winners, received the recognition. The award was presented by the Public Prosecutor of the Court of Gela, Luigi Lo Valvo.

A sober but intense day. To celebrate the 210 years of the Carabinieri.


READ ALSO: Gela, 4 precautionary measures for cocaine dealing and possession of illegal weapons

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