«The Province finances the cable car up to Vason»

Another step forward towards the construction of Trento – Monte Bondone cable car. The Provincial Council has in fact approved a motion from the League – signed by Mirko Bisesti, Stefania Segnana and Roberto Paccher – which commits the Province to find the money to finance the realization of the second part of trafficking — the one that connects Sardagna to Vason — if private investments do not arrive. The motion passed with 26 in favor and two against: Filippo Degasperi (Onda) and Lucia Coppola (Green and Left Alliance).

The text of the motion

«The cableway connection between the urban center of Trento and Mount Bondone represents one of the most awaited interventions of the Trentino capital — we read in the text of the motion — and, at least in the last fifty years, it has been the subject of numerous political-administrative debates regarding the different planning hypotheses”. And the Northern League councilors continue: «The purposes of the plant are not to be limited solely to strengthening of public transport and a decrease of vehicular traffic, but above all they aim to develop an integrated plan for the revitalization and re-connotation of Monte Bondone”. Therefore, regarding the second lot, the one that connects Sardagna to Vason, «two options were proposed: the possibility of resorting to a public-private partnership through an expression of interest – which is still ongoing — or a direct intervention from the provincial budget.” Therefore, we read the conclusion of the motion, the provincial council must commit itself «if satisfactory expressions of interest are not received from investors within the scope of the partnership procedure forpublic-private, to identify resources necessary for the construction of the second lot (Sardagna-Vason) of the cableway system”.
The proposal found fairly broad consensus among the opposition. He helped in this acceptance by the majority of an amendment signed by Mariachiara Franzoia (Pd) and Roberto Stanchina (Campobase). The text proposed to include a landscape study for the territory of Sardagna, to start a dialogue with the interested municipalities to include the system within the sustainable mobility plan and to provide preferential rates for residents. Last but not least, the amendment asked to actually put the resources necessary to finance the plant are in the budget.

The voices against

The first voice against it was that of Filippo Degasperi. «I’m sorry to ruin the honeymoon between the majority and the opposition – commented the Onda councilor — Despite authoritative studies, no private individual wants to put a euro into it. If private individuals don’t believe it, why should the Council believe it?”. The problem for Degasperi is that the cable car is not inserted inside a general plan for redevelopment of Mount Bondone. And without it it is difficult for private individuals to choose to invest in a plant located in an area that risks not being attractive. An analysis that Lucia Coppola forcefully echoed: «I am worried that, without an overall development plan for Monte Bondone (which has never existed) it will be a matter of green washing — he said — Instead, an overall redevelopment plan for Bondone would be needed.” And he concluded: «The fact that Fugatti talks about a shortage of money and then, a few days later, spend it like this.”

«One step further»

Bisesti instead celebrates: «The city of Trento has waited a long time for the provincial council to strongly support this project. Now we ask that a step be taken more to create this fundamental structure to enhance Monte Bondone.” Fugatti had placed the complete construction of the cable car among his legislative objectives. He already had the first stretch received the green light for the allocations from Rome for 37.5 million. “There are just as many missing,” the president said. However, the desire is to carry it out in its entirety, even at the cost of having to do it without private individuals. On this Furthermore, there is an agreement between Piazza Dante and the Municipality of Trento.

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