Exchanging houses in Piacenza, Antonella: “They also come from France and the United States”

Exchanging houses in Piacenza, Antonella: “They also come from France and the United States”
Exchanging houses in Piacenza, Antonella: “They also come from France and the United States”

There are those who simply call it home exchange. And some more pompously “sharing economy of real estate”. The result does not change. It’s the new trend: opening the doors of your home to strangers, hosting them in our absence. Literally a loan, or rather a free exchange of homes: in the province of Piacenza there are 18 homes published on Home Exchangethe platform dedicated to the exchange of homes.

home swapping in Piacenza

A few weeks ago the first house exchange open day was organized and Antonella Gallino, a marketing expert who has lived in Bicchignano for a few years, joined us in our area. And that for a couple of years she discovered the world of home-swapping: “It was thanks to a colleague – he explains – I actually wanted to leave this house, then I discovered that I could have done it in a different way: by exchanging it with other people. In two years I have hosted about ten times and I have been a guest of houses just as many times: I went to Paris, Turin, Genoa, Bologna, I will soon go to the Marche. And in less than a month a New Zealand couple will arrive in my house.”

tourists in Piacenza interested in home exchange

Pretty surprising it is the interest that our territory seems to receive on more or less distant tourists: “It’s one of the things I asked myself from the beginning: who would ever be interested in coming to Bicchignano? – admits Gallino – in reality I discovered that this area is liked by the classic Milanese, Venetian, Piedmontese, but also by those who come from further afield: France and the United States. I even have a family with two daughters who come to me in August for the fifth time, as if it were a holiday resort. For me it’s very beautiful, a joyful experience.”

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