“What are the classics”. Appointment

“What are the classics”. Appointment
“What are the classics”. Appointment

PISA – Lat the Tower of Pisa, one of the symbolic monuments of Italy, this year celebrates 850 years since the laying of the first stone. On the occasion of this anniversary, theState Archives of Pisa hosts a series of cultural events, including the exhibition 850 in balance and an imeeting with the art historian Luca Nannipieri.

Dialogue on the concept of “classic”

Thursday 6 June at 5.30pmthe director of the Archive Jaleh Bahrabadi will talk with Nannipieri on the theme of his latest book, What are the classicsjust published by Skira publisher. The book presents a reflection on the concept of “classic”, on its permanence over time and on the consensus that surrounds some works of art, elevating them to archetypes of beauty and style.

Immortal or ephemeral classics?

Luca Nannipieri challenges the common idea of ​​”classic” as an immortal work. Through an analysis of different expressive categories, from art to literature, from architecture to fashion, he demonstrates how the search for universal and timeless signs is an innate human need. However, history, the passing of time, the diversity of peoples and cultures call into question the invariance of these signs, which inevitably change.

Luca Nannipieri

The Tower of Pisa: from building to symbol

The Tower of Pisa, today considered an inestimable heritage of humanity, represents an emblematic example of the changing concept of “classic”. For centuries, it was simply one of the buildings of the city Cathedral, with the first ring buried for centuries under debris. There Mona Lisa Of Leonardo da Vincitoday an icon of Western civilization, was known to a limited number of people until its theft in 1911.

Luca Nannipieri: there are only temporary classics

Nannipieri comes to the conclusion that there are no immortal “classics”, but only “temporary classics”. Like milestones, they stand along roads called canons, but time, geography, and human choices can bury these stones and pave new paths for civilization. TEverything can become a classic and then cease to be onedepending on human actions and time, capable of turning on or off the fortune and downfall of works of art.

Who is Luca Nannipieri

Writer and art historian, Luca Nannipieri boasts a prolific career. Among his publications, Immortal candour (Rizzoli, 2022) e What is the history of art for? (Skira, 2021), translated into French and published by L’Harmattan. He has collaborated with important newspapers and edited art programs on Rai and Mediasetholding conferences in the main Italian museums.


Date: Thursday 6 June 2024

Now: 5.30pm

Place: State Archives of Pisa, Palazzo Toscanelli

Free event

Access to the meetings and the exhibition is free (max 80 seats).

To access the disabled route, which is possible on the side of Piazza della Repubblica (Piazza del Tribunal), contact the Archive in advance at [email protected].

The exhibition will remain open from MON to FRI from 9am to 1pm and on days dedicated to events.

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