Rossi: “Lecce is raising the level in every department”

Rossi: “Lecce is raising the level in every department”
Rossi: “Lecce is raising the level in every department”

DUALISM. “In these last two seasons, first of all, Falcone has shown that he can be an absolutely reliable goalkeeper, as demonstrated by his 76 consecutive appearances in the championship. This year, Lecce has chosen to raise the level between the posts as well, so as not to risk anything, whether in the case of a departure during this transfer window or even in the case of physical problems.”

PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS. “It is certainly more peaceful for a goalkeeper to have a more precise hierarchy, in the past it rarely happened, today it is increasingly common, especially the big teams choose to have two starting goalkeepers. However, this increases both the level of training and internal competition. However, this could be a very interesting development. But with the arrival of Früchtl, the club wants to demonstrate that it intends to raise the level of the squad in every department”.

FOR EXAMPLE.It is the right and healthy model, which the clubs that play in Serie B or C must necessarily follow. We must not forget that until 2017 this club played in the third division, now instead we are talking about other stages. The real top players of this club are the president Sticchi Damiani and the director Corvino. Together they are creating what can be defined as a true example for football in southern Italy, where it is even more complex also due to the lack of structures”

FIGHT FOR SALVATION. “First of all I hope that the club sets up a team capable of getting out of the dangerous areas right away and having a calm championship like Monza and Genoa did in the last tournament for example. For the fight for survival, I’m including all three newly promoted players, because adapting to Serie A isn’t easy and then, even if it’s too early to say, also Cagliari, who lost Mr. Ranieri and Udinese who are in a moment of renewal and they can always be complicated paths.”

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