the ceremony scheduled for July 9

the ceremony scheduled for July 9
the ceremony scheduled for July 9

The proclamation of the new mayor of Avellino, Laura Nargi, it could be held next July 9th. All the procedures for verifying the vote should be completed by the end of the coming week. The preferences attributed to individual councilor candidates are under scrutiny, with specific investigations relating to some complaints presented for canceled consents and alleged mismatches between minutes and recorded preferences. The central office is working to define every aspect. An activity that is moving forward briskly and meticulously.

On July 9th, should the date be confirmed, in addition to the proclamation of the tricolor band, we should proceed at the same time also with that of the thirty-two city councilorsThe proclamation of the elected representatives is carried out by the president of the central electoral office (consisting of the president of the competent court for the territory or another magistrate delegated by the president of the court, who presides over it, and six electors of the Municipality) after the summary of the results in the various sections.

The municipal council, in the session following the elections, before deliberating on any other matter, and even if no complaints have been raised, must examine the conditions of the mayor and of the councilors and declare their ineligibility, if one of the causes provided by law exists. The first session of the assembly in Piazza del Popolo is scheduled to take place within ten days of the proclamation. It will be the debut of the Nargi administration, the first with a woman at the helm in the capital city. The new mayor will be able to present herself with the council team there.

The inclusion of the councilors in the executive, who will therefore have to resign to join the administration team, will bring the first of the non-elected lists in support of Nargi into the chamber. The great maneuvers to define the best structure between internal and external have already begun in the aftermath of Nargi’s victory in the run-off against Antonio Gengaro. The commissioner’s management is therefore coming to an end. Yet another week of work for the extraordinary commissioner Paolo D’Attilio and the deputy sub-commissioner, Rosanna Gamerra (head of cabinet of the Prefecture of Avellino), who are guaranteeing the ordinary administration of the institution after the resignation of the former mayor Gianluca Festa. It is therefore subject to verification the work carried out by presidents and scrutineers who operated in the 72 sections citizens, both in the first round and in the run-off. The picture is now about to be defined. Nargi’s majority should be stronger than expected, considering the support received from the group that supported the journalist Rino Genovese’s race for the highest seat in the municipality.

There are twelve councilors elected on the Truly list, six with Siamo Avellino and two with W La Libertà. To these exponents of the team that supported the tricolor band right from the start, Rino Genovese himself should be addedtwo elected members of the Moderati e Riformisti group and one for Forza Avellino. In short, from the twenty city councilors assigned with the majority prize to the winning team, the group supporting Nargi could reach twenty-four out of a total of thirty-two representatives of the assembly in Piazza del Popolo. In a few more days we will have an idea of ​​the definitive official structure of the benches of the city assembly after the long electoral campaign.


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