Caltanissetta, S.Elia hospital, death of Mirko Mattina: First request for indictment

Caltanissetta, S.Elia hospital, death of Mirko Mattina: First request for indictment
Caltanissetta, S.Elia hospital, death of Mirko Mattina: First request for indictment

In Caltanissetta, the pain and the cry for justice have never gone away for the disappearance of Mirko Mattina, 26 years old, manager of a well-established pizzeria in via Bissolati, who died on the night of 27 December 2021, after 26 hours in the hospital emergency room Sant’Elia where he had entered with the green code for abdominal pain.

29 months after the sad story, the first request for indictment arrives from the magistrates of the Caltanissetta Public Prosecutor’s Office. Today Dr. Termini Pietro appeared before the GIP Santi Bologna for the preliminary hearing. The Prosecutor accuses Termini of not having presented himself at the emergency room in Caltanissetta as a surgeon on call, refusing an act of his office which had to be carried out urgently to carry out a necessary medical examination on the young Mirko.

Instead, the specialist accused of the crime referred to in art. 328 cp on 26 December 2021 only proceeded with a telephone consultation with the emergency room doctor. The super experts appointed by the GIP in their report clearly write that Dr. Termini’s choice not to visit the patient Mirko was not acceptable at the time. Inappropriate telephone consultation also considering Mirko’s serious initial pathology. The boy had arrived with abdominal pain at the emergency room where he was assigned a green code accompanied by his father, where he was subsequently diagnosed with pancreatitis and after hours he asked him for help via messages. Having contacted Mirko Mattina’s father, the Superintendent of the Penitentiary Police Vincenzo reports that it was he who reported the surgeon’s episode to the judicial authority after viewing the medical records in his possession. A very serious fact continues the father not only from a legal, ethical as well as moral point of view. In the specific case there is no discretion in the surgical consultation since the relevant request was received by the specialist by telephone and the only way to decide on the convenience was to directly visit my son at the emergency room, consequently omitting an assessment of the urgency of the official act, as also reiterated by the legal norms. Likewise, for Vincenzo Mattina, visiting a patient on site means that every healthcare professional cannot avoid knowing and evaluating the previous activity carried out by another colleague and checking its correctness. I will chase the truth to the end of the world obviously not out of a sense of revenge, rancor or resentment but out of a sense of justice, I would like that what happened to Mirko, a splendid twenty-six year old boy known by the city for his immense generosity, will not have to be repeated with other citizens who they have been calling for efficient healthcare for some time now. A healthcare that is leaking from all sides where the real guilty instigator is the current squalid politics. There is still a pending criminal case underway for other facts involving health workers, there are too many inconsistencies, too many gaps in time, too many omissions perpetrated by them also ratified in a substantial report by the GIP consultants in the evidentiary incident. Too many perhaps, too many buts and too many ifs in the matter, I demand clarity and truth. I continue to have faith in the work of the magistrates, my life including that of my family has changed since that cursed December 27, 2021 but I continue to live with peace in my heart thanks to the undisputed and merciful help of my Father Jesus.

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