Sicily, scholarships for secondary school students: the necessary requirements

The Federico II foundation has established the first edition of the awarding of scholarships, intended for male and female students secondary schools in Sicily. All this to facilitate access to the various universities.

In total they will be paid 75 scholarshipsof which: 25 of 2 thousand euros and 50 of 500. The 25 scholarships will be available to all students who in 2024 achieved a score of 100/100 to the final exams. The remaining 50 will go to students who in 2024 achieved a score of between 90/100 and 99/100.

How to participate

All interested students will have to submit a written essay on the historical, cultural and political significance of the period in which it was ruled by the emperor Frederick II of Swabia or, alternatively, an essay on the historical origins and political significance of the Autonomous statute of the Sicilian Region.

The announcement will be published on Official Journal of the Sicilian region. While they will be published on the Federico II Foundation websitethe information necessary for presentation from the applicationthe names of the members of the committee, the ranking of the winners And L’amount assigned to each one. Among the requirements for participation is necessary have an ISEE of less than 25 thousand euros.


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Gaetano Galvagno, president of the Federico II Foundation declares: “Young people must be enabled to build their own future, starting from school and university, even those who currently have some economic difficulty has the right to dream of a different future: scholarships have precisely this purpose. By studying, deepening and increasing their cultural background, young people will one day be able to enter the world of work with the tools necessary to fully realize themselves.“. He also adds: “These scholarships reward commitment, passion and the many energies put into study. The hope of the Federico II Foundation is that these children continue on a university educational path and are not forced to give it up for mere economic reasons“.

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