The best organic and gluten-free beers rewarded in Rimini – Agenfood

The best organic and gluten-free beers rewarded in Rimini – Agenfood
The best organic and gluten-free beers rewarded in Rimini – Agenfood

(Agen Food) – Rimini, 4 June. – Over 130 craft beers, coming from Italian and foreign microbreweries, will compete in competitions dedicated to “gluten-free” and organic productions.

On Sunday 2 June, as part of the Rimini Wellness event, the 11th edition of the “World Gluten Free Awards” and the 5th of “Best Organic Beers”.

The objective is to enhance and reward two types of beers defined as “emerging products” in the report “Craft beer, supply chain and markets” created by OBiArt (laboratory of the Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Forestry Sciences and Technologies of the University of Florence), for Unionbirraitrade association of small independent breweries.

Two further awards were added to the two competitions: the Fratelli la Bufala Special Awardwhich establishes the best pairing between beer and Margherita pizza, and the Special Rastal Awardwhich celebrates the beer that achieved the highest score among those participating.

Organized by and, in collaboration with Unionbirrai, the competitions are part of the “Birra of the Year” family contests.

“The World Gluten Free Beer Awards is the only competition in the world that includes seven different categories in which breweries can enter their beers – he declares Alfonso Del Fornoorganizer of the competitions – In its eleven editions, it has consolidated its authority, becoming a point of reference for gluten free beers”.

“Today, gluten-free beers represent a point of reference for the growth of the craft sector and are able to satisfy a dedicated public who can thus taste excellent and increasingly gluten-free products – declares Vittorio Ferraris, director of Unionbirrai – At the same time, attention is growing towards the organic world, attentive to the way raw materials are cultivated. Growing niches that always meet the needs of people with allergies, intolerances or who need to follow a particular diet.”

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