Latina / Giorgio Pedaci road homicide, trial set for current councilor Annalisa Muzio

Latina / Giorgio Pedaci road homicide, trial set for current councilor Annalisa Muzio
Latina / Giorgio Pedaci road homicide, trial set for current councilor Annalisa Muzio

LATINA – It will start next April 10th, before the sole judge of the Court of Latina Enrica Villani, theThe trial against the urban planning councillor of the Municipality of Latina Annalisa Muzio. He will have to defend himself from thecharge of road homicide in relation to the death, which occurred on September 14, 2021, by Giorgio Pedaci, the 75-year-old retired teacher that while he crossed the road at the intersection of Via dei Monti Lepini and Via dei Volsini in Latinawas hit by a car carrying the future councilor for urban planning of the Celentano government.

A Deputy Prosecutor Marina Marra was the one who asked for and obtained the referral to trial and it was the Gup of the Court of Piazza Buozzi Giuseppe Cario who ordered it at the end of the preliminary hearing. The accusation of road homicide for Councillor Muzio was initially formulated by the Carabinieri after the death, which occurred after a month of agony, of Pedaci that, shitting his head on the ground after losing his balance, He was initially admitted to hospital in serious conditionsthe Santa Maria Goretti hospital.

The legal defender of Dr. Muzio, the‘lawyer Renato Archidiaconoit would have been the victim himself who violated the Highway Code crossing without using the pedestrian crossings that were less than 100 metres away. Hence the request, which was not accepted by the Gup Cario, to order the dismissal of proceedings for Muzi who, after the council chamber, was sent to trial with the civil action by eight people from Pedaci, the partner, a cousin and eight other family members.

“We await with confidence and serenity the progress of the trial which will begin next spring – stated the lawyer Archidiacono – We will demonstrate the total lack of responsibility of Councilor Muzio”.

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