“it would have been avoidable if only they had listened to us”

“it would have been avoidable if only they had listened to us”
“it would have been avoidable if only they had listened to us”

After beware transmitted by the representatives of the trade unions of the street vendors of the weekly market on Monday Andriathe response arrives from the new Manager of Tax Revenue Sector and assets of the Federician municipality which, distinguishing itself from the modus operandi of city politics, communicates that “the proposed resolutions for the Town Council aimed at recognition and financing of off-balance sheet debts for the payment of liquidated sums in tax rulings and in the administrative one which saw the municipality of Andria succumb in the dispute relating to the requests of payment of Tosap year 2017″. This was made known by the trade association CasAmbulanti:

“A “heavy” communication for a municipality brought to pre-financial distress from at least twenty years of bad government of the city, from the right and the left. A decision, that of registering a further off-balance sheet debt, which could have been avoided if only there had been the humility and also the professionalism to understand that the defeat of the municipality was obvious and predictable. Everything that happened due to this harmful behavior, which could also have very serious repercussions on the difficult, fragile and subtle balance that (holds) the city government together, has no excuses or justification whatsoever.” – observe critics from CasAmbulanti. After receiving the note from the municipal manager, thanking him, the President of CasAmbulanti, Savino Montarulialso announces that he has learned that “the municipal office is preparing the necessary documentscancellation of payment notices issued and relating to the payment of the Tosap for the year 2017with consequent reimbursement to the taxpayers who had made the payment”. To street vendors – the association informs CasAmbulanti in the press release – would have been asked to “be patient” expressing “that genuine and humble feeling that continues to be missing from the municipal administrators, despite the fact that some of them were negative protagonists of that stubborn and almost persecutory action which resulted in the sending of the payment notices from which the consequence of the new debt has now arisen off-balance sheet which is not as it will be interpreted by the Prosecutor’s Office of the Court of Auditors given the disaster of the municipal public accounts aggravated by this other serious situation” – concluded Montaruli.

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