Water polo F / Etruria also bows before Team Marche Moie

Moie – Played on the twelfth day of the championship B series from the women’s water polo and the Team Marche he beat Etruria 15-8. The home crowd supported the girls forcefully, encouraging them in every way, until the victory.

An interesting and pleasant match, based on the substantial fairness of the two teams, which remains solid first in the rankings there Team Marcheconfirming that his unbeatability in this league it is deserved.


There coach Stefania Giulianiunderlining the commitment of all the athletes, also recalls that the team is made up of girls who study and work and who sacrifice themselves daily to reach optimal shape in view of the playoffsever closer.

«We are working hard because we know it won’t be one stroll: we will have to meet the best teams from the championships that are being played in the rest of Italy.” .

The next game a Colle Val d’Elsa Sunday 9 June against Certaldo Water polo.

The scoreboard

Team Marche Chiappa, Gasparini 3, Aguzzi 1, Bruschi 2, Robboni 2, Sassaroli 2, Giampaoletti, Di Martino 3, Canari 2, Dolciotti, Corinaldesi, Regnicoli, Piermartini. All. Giuliani

Partial 3-1; 5-1; 2-1; 5-5

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