exhausted waiting for interventions on children


Ismett sets out to complete all the surgical interventions on little ones patients. The interventions are part of the collaboration agreement signed between Sicilian regionthe regional health department, Arnas Civic and the Mediterranean institute aimed at recovering waiting lists of the Di Cristina hospital.

The protocolsigned last March 29 in the presence of the president of the Sicilian region, Renato Schifaniprovided for the taking charge by Ismett of the pediatric patients on the waiting list at the hospital By Cristina Of Palermo for abdominal surgery.
The last two operations, due to the needs of the patients’ families, will be performed in the next few days by the surgical team led by dr. Davide Cintorinohead of the pediatric surgery unit of the Irccs Ismettthus exhausting the waiting list.

This is good healthcare, of which we have numerous examples in Sicily, and which we must always have as a model – says the president of the Sicilian region, Renato Schifani -. Having managed, thanks to a synergy between the excellent public and private sectors, to have surgical operations performed on all the small patients who needed them, even quicker than expected, fills me with great joy. My government continues its commitment to solving the problem of waiting lists in order to guarantee all citizens access to treatment within a reasonable time“.

The agreement provided for the termination of the program by June 30thbut the collaboration implemented between the hospital structures and the department allowed all the interventions to be completed before the scheduled deadline.

“We did everything – points out Davide Cintorino – to offer interventions to all children who need them in the shortest possible time. The operated children are all well and have been discharged. It was a great experience, a team effort that involved our team in the pediatric department and focused on collaboration between the structures, with the common goal of offering the best possible care to young patients.”

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