Ten Caserta municipalities in the top 100 in Italy for spending on gambling

Ten Caserta municipalities in the top 100 in Italy for spending on gambling
Ten Caserta municipalities in the top 100 in Italy for spending on gambling

Ten Caserta municipalities in the top 100 in Italy for gambling spending. It emerges from the “Black Book of Gambling 2024” dossier, promoted by the CGIL and the Federconsumatori.

Analyzing the data relating to 2023 made available by the Customs and Monopolies Agency (ADM), divided by region, province and municipality, we discover that in an already complex situation for the South, Campania manages the sad feat of highlighting itself by accumulating records on negative records: three provinces (Naples, Salerno and Caserta) are in the top 10 for online collection per capita in Italy (in seventh, eighth and ninth place nationally respectively). The average at a national level stands at around 1925 euros played per capita but Campania, together with Sicily and Calabria, has recorded online gaming per capita exceeding 2,000 euros. In the province of Caserta the average expense is around 2916 euros.

As regards the capital cities, Caserta ranks 22nd in Italy with a per capita expenditure of 2665 euros. As regards the municipalities, however, there are 10 in the province of Caserta which are among the top 100 in Italy: Capodrise (5068 euros per capita and 10th place nationally); Villa Literno (4590 euros per capita and 14th place nationally); Casal di Principe (4161 euros per capita and 23rd place nationally); San Cipriano d’Aversa (3975 euros per capita and 31st place nationally); Marcianise (3559 euros per capita and 51st place nationally); Teverola (3533 euros per capita and 55th place nationally); Trentola Ducenta (3414 euros per capita and 71st place nationally); Santa Maria a Vico (3409 euros per capita and 72nd place nationally); Aversa (3361 euros per capita and 81st place nationally); San Felice a Cancello (3270 euros per capita and 94th place nationally).

“This situation – thunders the President of Federconsumatori Campania Giovanni Berrito – is intolerable. Our region is facing a real social emergency linked to gambling. The numbers speak clearly: gambling is destroying families and communities, increasing debt and encouraging usury. Immediate and coordinated intervention by the institutions is necessary to stem this devastating phenomenon. Anyone who denies that an emergency exists is either blind or complicit, there are no other explanations.”

“In this sense – continues Berritto – the signals arriving at a central level are not encouraging, among all the suppression of the permanent observatory for combating the spread of gambling. We can no longer allow gambling to be considered only as an economic issue. It is a public and social health problem that requires urgent and concrete measures. We ask for greater transparency in the dissemination of data, stricter control over operators in the sector and awareness campaigns to inform citizens about the risks of gambling. ‘gamble’.

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