Castellammare di Stabia, electoral material in a boss’s house: the reactions of politicians – Videonola

Castellammare di Stabia, electoral material in a boss’s house: the reactions of politicians – Videonola
Castellammare di Stabia, electoral material in a boss’s house: the reactions of politicians – Videonola

The influence of the Camorra on the electoral campaign in Castellammare di Stabia was predictable, given the past. We need to pay even more attention after the recent seizure of electoral material in the house of one of the bosses of the D’Alessandro clan, Paolo Carolei arrested for murder suspected of being the instigator of another murder which occurred in 2008.

During the police operation, holy cards of a centre-left candidate for the city council were found in Carolei’s home. This raises the fear of possible vote pollution in the upcoming municipal elections of Castellammare di Stabia.

Voting next week will be Gigi Vicinanza of the centre-left and the lawyer Mario D’Apuzzo of the centre-right who are tackling the delicate issue of organized crime also during the electoral campaign meetings.

Just a few days ago Sandro Ruotolo, in support of Vicinanza, launched the initiative of an observatory to map the votes of the Camorra, closely followed by the same candidate for mayor, who after the arrest of important exponents of the D’Alessandro clan, believed instigators of the killing of city councilor Gino Tommasino in 2009, reiterated the need to free Castellammare from the grip of organized crime.

After the operation against the Camorra, the president of the regional anti-Camorra commission Carmela Rescigno proposed an urgent hearing to discuss the risk of influence on the elections by organized crime.

For D’Apuzzo, the links that have emerged between the underworld and the white-collar workers of the center-left are worrying and would be the subject of a new setback for the city, with consequent repercussions on private investments and the allocation of public funds. The centre-right candidate also made it known that he had immediately transferred his concerns to national political levels to avoid further mortification for Castellammare di Stabia.

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