Sangiuliano “The author of the disfigurement in Herculaneum pays for the restoration” Italpress news agency

ROME – Gennaro Sangiuliano during the States General of Accountants (ROME – 2024-05-07, Stefano Carofei) ps the photo can be used in compliance with the context in which it was taken, and without defamatory intent of the decorum of the people represented

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Once again our cultural heritage is the victim of incivility and idiocy. Just a few weeks ago, the facade of the Royal Palace of the Royal Palace of Caserta had been smeared with paint. Yesterday it was the turn of a Roman domus in the Herculaneum archaeological park, defaced by a tourist with a permanent marker. Every damage is a wound to our heritage, to our beauty and to our identity and this is why it must be sanctioned with the utmost firmness.” Thus the Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano.
“I thank the Carabinieri – he continued – for immediately identifying and reporting the author of this vile gesture. I also remember that thanks to the law that I strongly supported, this person will also have to pay for the restoration work of the work out of his own pocket”.

– Photo: Fotogramma Agency –


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