Valentina Vadi: “Keywords of inclusion and services”

Among the salient points of the electoral program of the centre-left candidate Valentina Vadi we find social policies and inclusion. As has been the case in the past 5 years, the commitment to guaranteeing personal services for young people, the elderly, the disabled, the unemployed and for those living in a condition of social marginalization will continue to be maximum.

“Particular attention – explains candidate Valentina Vadi – will be paid to assistance for the elderly and large families with young children: a community that takes care of its children and its elderly is a community that grows and lives together, capable of support each other and integrate the riches and skills of some with the needs and wants of others. The care of the elderly, who are increasingly numerous and destined to be even more so, also involves their social recognition, their ability to still feel like an active part of the community whereby, through associations or through collaboration agreements, their contribution it can help in numerous activities [dall’aiuto negli attraversamenti pedonali fuori dalle scuole al prendersi cura periodicamente in gruppo di un angolo del proprio quartiere]: feeling useful and integrated into society even after the end of your career is an extremely effective method for combating loneliness and warding off illnesses.”

The Center-Left also addresses the problem of the housing emergency, one of the greatest difficulties from a social point of view, in San Giovanni Valdarno, as in other territories.

“To address this critical issue we participated in a recent tender by the Tuscany Region to increase the number of public residential buildings. Furthermore, the cut in national resources intended to cover the guiltless arrears of tenants and the end of the support measure for social and working fragilities identified in the citizen’s income is putting families and people living in socially marginalized situations to the test. . To deal with this situation, which causes strong pressure on municipal social services, we will continue to activate social support and help policies, implementing careful control of resources and allocating them to people and families who need and have the right to them”.

Furthermore, for citizens, it is often difficult to interface with companies that provide different types of services such as water, gas, electricity and telephone and to see their rights protected: “the Municipality – concludes the centre-left mayoral candidate Valentina Vadi – will have an attitude of defense and support, of closeness and help to citizens in their relationships with these complex ‘structures'”.

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