Final rush of the electoral campaign in Gradisca between meetings, big names and toasts

Final rush of the electoral campaign in Gradisca between meetings, big names and toasts
Final rush of the electoral campaign in Gradisca between meetings, big names and toasts

GRADISCA The last week of the electoral campaign is also in full swing in Gradisca in view of the vote on Saturday and Sunday. On the agenda are meetings with citizens, appearances by the “big names” of regional and national importance and also the expected face-to-face meeting between mayoral candidates. The “Bergamas” civic hall will host the three-way debate, as per tradition.

Municipalities, in Gradisca the record in the number of lists: 13 formations in the shadow of the Lion

Luigi Murciano

08 May 2024

The debate

The center-left exponents will compete in the ring, in alphabetical order Alessandro Pagotto (Pd, Prc, 5 Star Movement, Villages for the Fortress, People at the Center), the center-right one Benjamin Ursic (Lega, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Gradisca Rinasce) and the civic Claudio Verdimonti (Gradisca Civica, For the Common Good, Gradisca Al Centro, Gradisca Pulita). The event, promoted by Il Piccolo and moderated by the head of the Gorizia and Monfalcone edition of the newspaper Maddalena Rebeccais scheduled for Tuesday evening, June 4th, at 8pm.

The debate will be a precious opportunity to compare the different programs and positions of the three candidates – and of the 13 lists that support them – on the problems and future of the city. And citizens will also be able to do their part. At the entrance to “Bergamas” a simple notebook will be placed where people from Gradisca can ask their questions. There are three very simple rules to follow: ask questions of general interest, i.e. questions to which all three candidates can respond; remain – but this is natural – within the framework of mutual respect; and sign your name and surname. Also based on the timing of the evening, a handful of questions of greatest interest will be selected.

Meanwhile, after a week also marked by a particularly heated final municipal council meeting – with the entire minority abandoning the room due to the failure to include a question on the new primary, “pretextual in its manner and timing” on the agenda according to the outgoing majority, the candidates Verdimonti, Ursic and Pagotto are proceeding briskly towards the “last curve” before the vote. Already supported by big names such as Elly Schlein, Stefano Bonaccini and Roberto Fico, the “wide field” candidate Alessandro Pagotto awaits another endorsement: that of the former Minister for Economic Development Stefano Patuanelli, current M5S group leader in the Senate. The meeting (Sei Come Sei, tomorrow at 5.30pm) will focus on Pnrr and energy communities and also involves the former regional councilor Ilaria Dal Zovo, the former municipal councilor Michele Freschi, the renewables expert Marco Piemonte.

Instead, it will be the President of the Region, Massimiliano Fedriga, who will lead the charge for the centre-right candidate Ursic. The meeting is scheduled for this afternoon at 5.30pm at the Al Trieste hotel. Tomorrow morning it will be the turn of the Euro candidate and first citizen of Monfalcone, Anna Maria Cisint: appointment with the citizens of Gradisca from 9 to 11 in the market avenue in Piazza Unità d’Italia named after Max Fabiani.

The candidate of the centrist Verdimonti pole, however, will continue his tour by meeting this evening, at 6.30 pm, with economic and commercial operators at the Caffè Emopoli in Piazza Unità d’Italia. On Wednesday it will be the Al Pascià bar in via Udine (starting at 7pm) to meet with the associations and the inhabitants of the villages; finally, on Friday at 6.30pm he will be back at the “Emopoli” for a toast with the citizens on the occasion of the closing of the electoral campaign. —

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