The health of over a thousand trees in the city has been checked: 54 need to be cut down

The health of over a thousand trees in the city has been checked: 54 need to be cut down
The health of over a thousand trees in the city has been checked: 54 need to be cut down

From the strong wind that knocked down two plants in via Broseta in April, to the most recent case of the cedar of the Votive Temple falling in via Stauto last Monday, May 27, passing through the serious episode which also caused a tragic death, in these months the trees in the city of Bergamo have shown that they are not in great health and could represent a danger to the population.

For this reason, Palazzo Frizzoni is working on a tree risk map based on what has already been done in Trento.

54 trees to be cut down

As reported by The Echo of Bergamo, in recent weeks, 1,029 stability analyzes were carried out on as many trees for a total cost of 55 thousand euros. Of these, 54 will have to be demolished. Among the trees to be eliminated because they are at risk of falling are six horse chestnut trees along the route from the station to Porta Sant’Agostino. The long avenue that goes up from the center of the city to the gates of Città Alta is in fact dotted with trees which were among the first to be analyzed for their centrality and for the many people who pass under their foliage every day.

Priority cuts

Philip Grassoagronomist of the Municipality, underlined a The Echo of Bergamo: «The cuts have already started in recent weeks, as for the large beech tree in front of Palazzo Frizzoni. There are still 12 to go which will be carried out shortly. Of these, some are located along viale Papa Giovanni and viale Vittorio Emanuele, one in the monumental cemetery, one in the Roggia Puggia garden in via Montessori, in via Muzio, in via Pasteur, in viale Muraine, in front of the Torre del Galgario. The data that emerged from the investigations is what we expected, because we went to analyze trees that already had visual defects. Analyzing the 39 thousand trees present in the city is impossible, so let’s proceed by priority.”

In sensitive places

The checks also extended to the trees in the gardens of the houses managed by MM and only one needs to be cut down, in via Gabriele Rosa. Furthermore, in view of the summer at the Goisis park, Palafrizzoni had checks carried out on the trees present in the area, in particular the large poplars, without finding any critical issues. And as soon as the schools close, all the trees in the school gardens will be checked, another intervention that will cost 25 thousand euros.

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