Passport, from July you can also request and collect it at post offices. Also underway in Basilicata

The requests are already on an experimental basis in other Italian regions. In Basilicata from next July

With a saving of time for citizens and a reduction in work for the police stations. The announcement was made by the general director of Poste Italiane, Giuseppe Lasco, at the end of a meeting at the Interior Ministry with the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi. The latter, for his part, underlined the acceleration after the long waits, with protests and parliamentary questions, recorded in the last years to obtain the precious document: in 2024 3.4 million passports will be issued compared to 2.7 million the previous year.

“A tangible sign – underlined the minister – of the commitment we have made to provide effective responses to citizens”. Last March, as part of the Polis project, the initiative was launched which allowed the issuing of the document for traveling abroad in the post offices of municipalities with less than 15 thousand inhabitants, without the inconvenience of traveling to reach the nearest police station. Since last March, explained Lasco, “we have registered more than 350 requests in the 31 post offices where this service is active, a service that will be operational in more than 130 offices by the end of the month. Over 80% of citizens have requested that their passport be delivered to their home, with a saving of time and travel which is also and above all important for the environment”.

But the great news, he added, is that, “once the regulatory steps have been completed, from July this service will progressively involve post offices throughout Italy, without distinctions between small and large centres”. The news was also eagerly awaited by the representatives of the organized tourism associations, present today at the Viminale with Piantedosi and Lasco. On this occasion, the minister exposed the results of the effort made to facilitate passport issuance times. “Thanks to the introduction of the new priority agenda, which was accompanied by a significant effort put in place by the police headquarters, both in terms of personnel and organizational models – he noted – it was possible to significantly increase the number of scheduled appointments, which in the month of April alone this year there were 354 thousand, compared to 230 thousand in April 2023”.

The Minister of Tourism, Daniela Santanchè, is satisfied. “The measures implemented by the Government, by the Ministry of the Interior together with Poste Italiane – you commented – are giving their results. Thanks also to the organized tourism associations for the contributions made during the discussion tables. This is testimony to how teamwork is the key to winning challenges and taking Italy ever higher.”


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