“Culture as a resource for health”: two days of conference in Turin, with a day open to the public, 4 and 5 June

“Culture as a resource for health”: two days of conference in Turin, with a day open to the public, 4 and 5 June
“Culture as a resource for health”: two days of conference in Turin, with a day open to the public, 4 and 5 June

There Piedmont HPH Network – Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services, with the Italian and International HPH Networksorganizes two new and important moments of in-depth analysis on the 4th and 5th of June role of participation and cultural expression for well-being and careascertained by a growing body of scientific evidence. In this context, an international Health and Culture task force promoted by the national HPH Network will be launched.

For Tuesday 4 June from 2pm to 7pm, in the BAC Space of the Barolo Social District, a workshops by invitation, managed by the Piedmontese HPH Network, addressed to the ASLs and ASOs that join the Network and to the companies of the Italian Networks. A space of comparison of existing practices in healthcare that combine health with the tools and languages ​​of culture. The appointment will end with “Arte Bella”, a theatrical performance on the well-being of carers, the foundation of the care relationship, by SCT – Social Community Theater Centre.

Wednesday 5 Junefrom 9am to 5pm, inAula Magna Cavallerizza Reale – University of Turinin via Verdi, 9, will be held day of studies with national and international experts to debate and document the commitment to seeking new paths for people’s health, through cultural languages ​​and practices, promoting research, evaluation and the development of skills.

The international HPH task force is a further leap in scale for actions that can meet standards, with targeted skills in Medical Humanities, be replicable and enter permanently into treatment and prevention protocols”

The event on June 5th is open to all those interested in the theme of Health and Culture and ECM accreditation for health professions will be recognized for those who participate in person.
Registrations are open for all those interested, with registration on the regional platform https://www.formazionesanitapiemonte.it

The working days are made possible by the alliance of the world of healthcare with a network of partners from the academic, cultural and third sector worlds.
HPH Piedmont Italy, International and University of Turin networks – Department of Surgical Sciences

In collaboration with MAMD – Fondazione Medicina a Misura di Donna, DoRS – Documentation Center for the Promotion of Health of the Piedmont Region, ISS – Istituto Superiore di Sanità, CCW – Cultural Welfare Center ETS, University of Chieti and Pescara – BACH Center

With the participation of: Piedmont Cultural Observatory, Turin Institute of the Deaf, Turin Civic Libraries, SCT – Social Community Theater Centre, Science Centre, Thanks to the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.

WORKSHOP 4 JUNE 2024 – BAC SPACE – BAROLO ARTI WITH THE COMMUNITIES 2.00 pm – 7.00 pm Via San Giuseppe Cottolengo, 24 bis – 10152 Turin (IT)

9:00 am – 5:00 pm Via Verdi, 9 – 10124 Turin (IT)


Promoting health through the arts
The relevance of arts and culture in the care relationship, in the prevention and promotion of health is demonstrated by an increasingly substantial body of scientific and humanistic evidence, today at the basis of European and national policies which are supporting their integration into plans and national programs in alliance with different sectors of society.
There international HPH network (Health Promotion Hospitals and Health Services) takes up this challenge to renew and strengthen the organizational culture and care processes. The heart of this renewal is the well-being of healthcare personnelwhich it is the primum movens of the quality and dignity of care in the relationship with patients and citizens who come into contact with hospital and primary care health services.

There Piedmont HPH network with this conference he means create an opportunity for study and discussion on a double challenge: reconsidering the human dimension of the care relationship through the approach of arts and culture, valorising people’s stories, their resources and potential in care and promoting health promotion through the arts.

There care relationship it thus once again becomes the factor of value and change in professional practice, in the planning and management of services, in research and training.

The event is organized with entities that share this challenge and intend to jointly promote advocacy, research and actions capacity building: the International Network and the regional Italian HPH networks active in Italy, the University of Turin, ISS – Istituto Superiore di Sanità, DoRS – Documentation Center for the Promotion of Health of the Piedmont Region, CCW – Cultural Welfare Center ETS, MAMD – Fondazione Medicina a Misura di Donna and Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, bringing together other partners. This collaborative alliance is open to those who share the relevance of arts and culture to the well-being, quality and dignity of life and health of people and local communities. The conference is part of an international journey of the HPH Network launched on the proposal of the Piedmontese delegation, which is committed to health research on the role of the arts (performing arts, visual arts, design and craftsmanship, literature, on-life cultural experiences) in improving the health and well-being.

The route is inspired by New Haven Recommendationsthe patient involvement model on the three levels (care relationship, co-planning of services, involvement in health policies) of the HPH standards, which can also be activated with arts/culture and is implementing the macro-objectives of the “HPH Global Strategy 2021-2025”.

From the experiences gained in the Piedmont Region over the years by the healthcare companies belonging to the HPH network and by cultural services, it emerges how the arts can represent a lever for building relationships of empowerment and alliances for engagement on the health and well-being of patients, caregiver, operators in different care settings. It is therefore proposed to interpret and apply the HPH 2020 Standards by integrating Health with Arts/Culture, with the necessary advocacy actions, capacity buildingevaluative research.

A survey on experiences on Health&Culture

In order to enhance project experiences on Health&Culture, the Italian Regional HPH Networks of Piedmont, Trentino, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna, Lazio (Roma 1 and Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital), will carry out an action of benchmarking in healthcare, collecting and cataloging projects on the topic of Health&Culture. The collection of these projects constitutes recognition and valorisation of the initiatives that hospitals and healthcare companies have launched over the last few years.

The results of survey will be made available in a multimedia digital product with the proceedings of the HPH conference “Culture as a resource for health” – The other dimension of care, Turin 4 and 5 June 2024.

On 4 June the research will be shared in a workshop in the BAC space (SCT – Social Community Theater Center – University of Turin – Barolo Social District). The session will also “live” the Health&Culture experience live with the theatrical performance “Arte Bella” on the well-being of carers.

On June 5th, a day of studies will take place at the University of Turin – Aula Magna Cavallerizza Reale divided into three panels:
• From scientific evidence to policy
• Culture as a resource in the Health Promotion Plan

• Health&Culture an international project of the Piedmont HPH Network

Info www.hphitalia.net; [email protected]


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