Crotone, a city suitable for the blind, the Anpvi: here are the barriers to be eliminated

Crotone, a city suitable for the blind, the Anpvi: here are the barriers to be eliminated
Crotone, a city suitable for the blind, the Anpvi: here are the barriers to be eliminated

CROTONE – Making Crotone a city without barriers for the blind. This is the goal of Antonio Scalise, extraordinary commissioner of the National Association of the visually impaired and visually impaired (Anpvi) which has its headquarters in via Mario Nicoletta near Epas. The Anpvi deals with the protection of the rights of the blind and severely visually impaired throughout Italy, manages a guide dog school in Campagnano and has offices throughout Calabria.
“The Anpvi in ​​Crotone was born because we would like Crotone to become more liveable for all those who have a disability. The need to establish the Anpvi in ​​Crotone also arose from the desire to include the blind in society and to make the city keep up with the times” says Scalise who in recent months has already promoted various initiatives for integration: “We have met in recent weeks with the councilor for social services of the Municipality of Crotone, Filly Pollinzi, to talk about the elimination of architectural barriers. The Municipality, I must say, is listening to us and also thanks to our suggestion has installed a traffic light for the blind at the courthouse intersection. There are many things still to be done, such as special signs for guide dogs who have difficulty leading people through city streets.”

Obstacles from cars, motorbikes and excrement

Scalise also asks citizens for greater attention and education: “In Crotone people live with difficulty because there is no education on coexistence. Wild parking, dog owners who don’t pick up their waste, motorbikes on the sidewalks. For example – says Commissioner Anpvi – parking cars or motorbikes on pavements prevents us, both the blind and the disabled, from being able to get around independently or with guide dogs: so we thought about placing tags on the windshield to tell those who park badly what to behave. Perhaps we ask traders not to place stinging plants in front of their shops. The audible traffic light is the first sign of civility, but a lot can be done. For example, at the Rossano shopping center an ad hoc route has been created for the blind. To make those who govern understand this – Scalise announces – we plan to blindfold the mayor to make him walk in the city without seeing”.

Prescriptions Asp

Anpvi Crotone is also interested in administrative problems for the blind. Among other things, it is trying to overcome the long waiting times for medical prescriptions of typhlotechnic material for the daily life of the blind. In practice, to have any technological tool as an aid in leading an independent life, blind people must obtain a real prescription from the ASP: “To have a PC – explains Scalise – it can even take years for an eye examination because the lists of waits are long. We met the health director of ASP Misiti and we are preparing a memorandum of understanding to cut waiting times exclusively for material prescriptions”.

Transfer of gold ownership

Then there is the problem of the transfer of ownership of second-hand cars: “The blind – explains Scalise – have the possibility of obtaining discounts on the transfer of ownership for used cars which, naturally, are driven by their companions. On the issue, however, the Crotone Province, which is competent on the matter, was stuck in 2014. In recent weeks we met the councilor Fabio Manica and the manager Alfonso Cortese and in the next council the modification of the provincial regulation to the new ones is on the agenda regulations”. Furthermore, the Anpvi commissioner announces, there is the intention to ask for a meeting with the labor inspectorate to verify the working conditions of blind operators and people with different abilities.

Use of resources

The Anpvi, in implementing its integration policies, has also promoted initiatives that will allow the blind to benefit from the cultural and historical resources of the province. In Mesoraca, for example, with the association ‘Il futuro’ and the authorization of the Superintendence, plaques in Braille have been created at the Ecce Homo Sanctuary which explain the history of the sanctuary; one of these plaques is also in front of the wooden statue of Ecce Homo to allow blind people to ‘admire’ that work. Also because the Anpvi donated a bas-relief created by Vincenzo Lucente which reproduces the statue of Ecce Homo and allows the blind, by touching the relief, to understand its beauty: “An idea – reveals Antonio Scalise – which the prior really liked also because there is a blind friar in the convent. It was a wonderful experience – says Scalise – one of our members Antonio Scarriglia read the plaques during the celebration mass which we will place in August during the seven-year anniversary celebration. We also did it in memory of Piero Londino, a blind boy from Mesoraca who passed away at the age of 18″.

Braille at the Museum and tandem

In this wake, the Crotone Anpvi will soon have a meeting with the director of the archaeological museum to develop projects for access for the blind with descriptions of the finds in both audio and Braille format. The director of the special unit dealing with Ancient Kroton was also asked to include Braille language on the plaques that will describe the archaeological emergencies. “We have many projects in mind to be an integral part of the community: for example buying tandems to do sports using the cycle paths. We held a photographic exhibition with our friends from Krotografia, we are preparing a pilot project to home automation the homes of the blind in Crotone using regional funds. We would like to create an audio library and there is also a project with the wineries to put QR codes on the bottles for the blind and make them understand what they drink. We must on the one hand make normal people understand that we can live independently and on the other encourage blind people to feel part of society, not to stay at home”.
To contact the association call 366.2537295

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