The elections, the G7, Puglia / With the world’s greats to become aware of ourselves (starting with the vote)

The elections, the G7, Puglia / With the world’s greats to become aware of ourselves (starting with the vote)
The elections, the G7, Puglia / With the world’s greats to become aware of ourselves (starting with the vote)

The week that opened – between forums and debates – the doors to the future, never so present and so engaging, is coming to an end. Now begins what will lead to the vote for the European Parliament and the renewal of the municipal councils, above all Bari And Lecce. Until landing, a few days later, between Toasts And Fasanoat the top of G7. There Pugliain short, what an extraordinary crossroads and interweaving of dates and events. Some unrepeatable, like the summit of the greats of the Earth. Other important ones, such as the role to be assigned – as far as the Apulian vote may weigh – to the political forces and the new structures of theEuropean Union, a supranational entity that has a significant impact at a local level (see beach concessions, for example). Still others, finally, decisive for the government of cities and relevant areas which, despite a thousand difficulties and on the basis of different circumstances, try to continue growth paths and get out of contingent complications to open new phases of development (hopefully) .

Needless to say, the world summit with the leaders of seven major countries on the planet stands out. An event that as the days pass is enriched with further meanings compared to those already included among the themes of the summit: developing nations, migration, artificial intelligence and, above all, international security. The attention is multiple: it will be there Pope francescothe UN Secretary General will arrive Guterresguests will be the president of the United Arab Emirates, the Indian and Turkish leaders and, freshly confirmed, also the Ukrainian president Zelenskycalled for a strategic agreement with the USA Bidenthe last frontier (treacherous and with controversial implications) of the counteroffensive to Russian aggression. Due to a series of easily understandable circumstances, an event that it is reasonable to think will never be repeated on regional soil.

An opportunity to make the most of. And the reasons would be there, net of the objective difficulties in which we operate in these parts, many and serious. Above all, for example, infrastructures, a cause of agony due to problematic connections and long times in covering distances (physical, but also telematic). Above all, the uncertain fate of some industrial centers and giants. Above all, training courses that create notable gaps between job supply and demand (also due to non-guaranteed protections). Above all, the crisis of perspective which leads young people to seek the realization of their destiny elsewhere, while those who remain do not bet on the future, giving up on bringing children into the world: both an act of love and a surge of trust and optimism. “Above all”, in short, is a broad category, unfortunately capable of bringing together many, too many problems: because one holds onto the other. Telling yourself, or reminding yourself, is always the first step in the search for remedies and solutions, staying far away from useless whining and vacuous complaints.

An opportunity to make the most of, they said. And for multiple reasons. For example – and so we return to the debates and conferences mentioned at the beginning and held this week – there was a lot of talk about deep tech in a series of meetings organized in Bari by the universities Lum And Ca’ Foscari. Not a technology, deep tech, but a method, an approach to development. A different way of thinking about things. It is the latest wave of innovation, the new challenge for businesses, a leap in quality that surpasses the digital revolution, recovers connections with matter, combines bits and atoms and necessarily passes through a sharing of fields, knowledge, research, different experience and processes. Universities, startups, established companies and policy makers. All together, necessarily. Beyond the delays and gaps, which also need to be worked on. But with a common objective: to create the conditions (and multiply the opportunities) for growth and development. As a system.

Of course, Puglia is not there Silicon Valley, if we want to reformulate – updating it – an old concept. And yet it possesses – at various levels of complexity – every single ingredient of the revolution dictated by deep tech. Starting from universities, startups, companies. But we still need to work a lot on communications (globally understood). And we need to share projects and knowledge: a cultural attitude that absolutely needs to be improved. The objective is to reach a different perception of ourselves and our development prospects. Going beyond “lunar” proclamations and slogans which – depending on the proponents, the circumstances and the moments – make this land the hub of any sort of innovation or strategic project.

A first test (politics, as always, is an integral and constitutive part of the reasoning developed thus far) will be the vote next Saturday and Sunday. So much at Europeanas for Municipal. An extraordinarily important event, placed back in the hands of the citizens. Although this singular electoral campaign conducted on the sly, so little public and not even very social, leads – but not legitimately – to think badly of both the channels (and circuits) and the ways (and means) with which we are trying to build or consolidate consensus. A topic that deserves other spaces and different in-depth analysis. Here it is enough to remember the importance of making the best use of one’s right to vote. Because everyone is capable of complaining. Whatever happens.


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