Chilean robbers caught in the act in Busto Arsizio: Chronicle of a police operation

Chilean robbers caught in the act in Busto Arsizio: Chronicle of a police operation
Chilean robbers caught in the act in Busto Arsizio: Chronicle of a police operation

Last updated on July 1, 2024 by Marco Mintillo

The Robbery at Busto Arsizio: A Traumatic Evening for a Family

While returning home with his daughter, a man was surprised by three robbers armed with knives and a cell phone used as a flashlight. During the escape, one of the criminals lost his cell phone, which proved to be a crucial element in the investigation conducted by the Busto Arsizio police. The officers were able to identify the robbers from other cities, defined as real “travelers”.

Investigation and Discovery of Fraudsters’ Identity

After the robbery, the robbers fled through the window. The victim was able to provide important details such as the color of the car used by the criminals. The police, led by the deputy commissioner Franco Novatialso used the cell phone lost during the escape to track down the scammers. Thanks to the collaboration with the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Busto Arsiziothe information contained in the smartphone was analyzed and cross-referenced with other data such as recordings from surveillance cameras in the area.

The Chilean Movements: A Criminal Plan Revealed

The three robbers, Chilean citizens with previous crimes also related to drugs, had managed to move throughout the national territory. Two of them had arrived in Busto Arsizio with a car rented in Lazio, while the third had reached them by train. The authorities confirmed that the suspects will be tried for the crime of “household robbery”.

Justice in Action

Thanks to the swift and accurate action of the police, Busto Arsiziocitizens can sleep more peacefully, knowing that those responsible for the robberies have been identified and arrested. The collaboration between law enforcement and the judiciary has brought to light an intricate criminal plan orchestrated by criminals from far away, who will now have to answer for their actions before the law.


Busto Arsizio is a city located in the province of Varese, in Lombardy, Italy. It is known for its industrious textile business. It has a population of approximately 83,000 inhabitants and is an important industrial and commercial center in the region.

The deputy commissioner Franco Novati is an Italian police officer. In the article, he is mentioned as the leading figure who led the investigation into the robbery in Busto Arsizio.
The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Busto Arsizio It is the judicial body competent for the city of Busto Arsizio and its district.
The article talks about three robbers of nationality Chilean. Chile is a country located in South America. It is mentioned that the robbers were involved in drug related crimes as well.
Il Lazio is a region of central Italy, with Rome as its capital. The article refers to the fact that two of the robbers had arrived in Busto Arsizio with a car rented in Lazio.
The crime of “residential robbery” is a serious crime that involves unlawfully entering another person’s home with the intent to commit theft or assault.
Overall, the article highlights the importance of cooperation between the police and the judiciary in solving complex criminal cases and ensuring that those responsible are brought to justice.

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