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Corruption investigation, Targetti: “Shock for Prato. Now for clarity on the part of the parties”

Corruption investigation, Targetti: “Shock for Prato. Now for clarity on the part of the parties”
Corruption investigation, Targetti: “Shock for Prato. Now for clarity on the part of the parties”

“The investigation launched in recent days has revealed a middle world made up of possible unclear relationships between entrepreneurs, law enforcement agencies and local political parties. This requires honest and urgent reflection, especially in view of the local elections which will be held in a few days. Let us at Targettopoli begin, clearing the field of any type of uncertainty and publicly declaring that we have refused contributions from companies and entrepreneurs from the beginning, having preferred self-financing as a political method. A choice that guarantees us total autonomy, full freedom of maneuver and the precious exclusive respect of our ideas, our vision of the future and our electorate”. Thus Jonathan Targetti, candidate for mayor of Prato with the Targettopoli civic list, following the investigation into the corruption of the DDA of Florence. Targetti launches a public appeal to all the other candidates for mayor, starting – he states – from the last words of the undersecretary Giorgio Silli who, yesterday, had excluded links between the local centre-right and the Prato entrepreneur who ended up under house arrest. “We ask all candidates and political groups to disclose any economic contributions from companies, if they have legitimately received them. And to indicate before voting the name of any financier and the financial amount of the support. Ours is not intended to be a media pillory, a question of seriousness and clarity” states Targetti.

Targetti, a member of Radicali Italiani since 2013, states that he does not forget the guarantee battles that have characterized the political commitment of the party founded by Marco Pannella for decades. “We are first and foremost guaranteeists and we are so towards all those protagonists so far involved in this story who, as far as we are concerned, are innocent until proven guilty – he added – the names of the latter have already ended up on the front page with much of photos, although the investigation is not yet finished. And for this reason too we wish to express our solidarity with them. Ours aims to be a clear political gesture of maximum transparency towards the electorate and all of Prato. While waiting for the judiciary to provide clarity, the investigators’ investigations nevertheless cast shadows that politicians must try to avoid, avoiding possible speculation on what has been kept silent. For this reason, the time has come for all of Prato’s politics to make a gesture of profound sincerity and transparency. Certain dynamics cannot fail to be clarified by those who appear before the voters with the ambition of governing our city”.

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