Events for Christmas and New Year’s Eve are already being planned in Turin

Events for Christmas and New Year’s Eve are already being planned in Turin
Events for Christmas and New Year’s Eve are already being planned in Turin

TORINO – For the upcoming Christmas holidays, in order to involve tourists and citizens, the City intends to design a harmonious and coordinated calendar of activities with a varied entertainment proposal spread throughout the city.

In this regard, this morning the Municipal Council, on the proposal of the Councillor for Major Events Dominic Carrettahas approved the guidelines for the creation of a Christmas Village, the main Christmas and New Year’s activities.

In particular the Department of Sport, Major Events, Tourism and Leisure will prepare a program of cultural entertainment proposals spread across the territory from 8 to 25 December which will include entertainment activities in the city center and in all the places affected by Christmas installations and natural tourist attractions. To this end, a qualified entity will be identified through a public tender procedure to deal with the design, programming and production of a program of activities.

The same department will also take care of this. the setting up of a tree inside the Palazzo Civico e of the Christmas tree in the shape of a bright grove enriched by a background of Christmas music in Royal Square.

The department will also follow up the creation of a live music show for the evening of December 31st in Piazza Castello.

The original artistic project must include a concert lasting at least one hour by a nationally and/or internationally renowned artist/band capable of involving and attracting a large and varied audience with particular attention to young people. To complete the evening’s program, which must have a total duration of approximately 2 and a half hours, musical moments with emerging or local bands, light shows, DJ sets or other entertainment may be proposed. Also in this case, the Major Events Division will proceed through a public tender procedure to identify a qualified subject with the necessary skills to present a comprehensive project that can cover all the activities necessary for the organization and realization of an event in the square.

The Councillor for Major Events Dominic Carretta explains: “We are already working to enhance and make Christmas and New Year’s Eve 2025 even more engaging, focusing on all the events that were most popular such as the Christmas grove, the entertainment in the streets and squares of the city and the usual concert on December 31st. All to make Turin once again the perfect destination to spend the holidays“.

The Department of Culture, Instead, it will take care of the planning and implementation of a classical/operatic music concert to be held on January 1, 2025 Always in Castle SquareThe concert will be dedicated to the celebrations for the 140th anniversary of the act of administrative unification of the Nation with the involvement of the Museum of the Risorgimento and the 80th anniversary of the Liberation and will see the artistic coordination of the Fondazione per la Cultura Torino.

The department will also follow the installation of the now historic Nativity scene by Emanuele Luzzatian artistic project from 1997 which for years has accompanied, in its various configurations and in various spaces of the city, the festivities of the people of Turin, in a location chosen in harmony with the placement plan of the Artist Lights collectione setting up the Advent Calendar in Piazza San Giovanni, next to the Turin Cathedral.

His task will also be to propose a integrated appointment calendar which enhance the activities and services of the Civic Library system, the Intercultural Centre and the Music Training Centre as well as following the installation of ‘Light scenographies’for the construction and installation of which specific sponsorships will be sought, and which will be placed on the territory in agreement with the Districts.

The Councilor for Culture Rosanna Purchia adds: “The great success of the classical music concert in the square on New Year’s Day pushes us to do it again for next New Year’s Eve. The people of Turin appreciated this proposal and I am sure that they will welcome it with renewed enthusiasm and participation, we will work on a program not to be missed. And then the light installations will return in all the Districts

The Department of Commerceinstead, will take care of the organization, in Solferino square, of the Christmas Villagewhich will include an ice skating rink of such length as to occupy all or most of the area of ​​the square between the Angelica fountain (fountain of the four seasons) and the equestrian statue dedicated to Ferdinand of Savoy. In addition to this, the placement will have to be taken care of of illuminated Christmas trees and Christmas lights and for the promotion of Christmas events in the individual districts.

The Councillor for Commerce Paul Chiavarino conclude: “The Christmas market in Piazza Solferino for the second consecutive year will contribute, also thanks to the collaboration with the street associations, to promote this beautiful corner of the city. The response of the citizens last year was positive and the intention is therefore to replicate the initiative, further improving the offer. But the magic of Christmas will be in all the Districts with Christmas trees, decorations and events spread throughout the various neighborhoodsi”.

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