Turin does not turn with Lo Russo

Turin does not turn with Lo Russo

Mino Giachino 16:40 Tuesday 02 July 2024

Dear Director,
we are well past the halfway point of Stefano Lo Russo’s mandate but the turning point for Turin is not visible, on the contrary. In any company the board of directors would ask for an account of the work done. I’ll try to do it.

On Sunday, in a left-wing friendly newspaper, the headline was: “Turin increasingly poor” and in the article, almost as if to confirm my analysis that Turin is growing less than the national average, it was said “in contrast to Italy” in Turin there is an increase in new poor people. While Novara, thanks to the ability of its municipal administration and thanks to the great commitment of Minister Urso, has managed to attract a large company that produces chips with the creation of 1600 new jobs, in Turin at most some film production or a stage of the Tour arrives, because the arrival of the Center for AI connected to the automotive and mobility sector of the future is thanks to the Government. While the relaunch of the Fairs, which instead would bring a richer business tourism, is still on standby, the only news is the work financed by the Pnrr but the impression is that the impact on the GDP of these works will not be very high.

Now the mayor has fallen in love with big events like the Tour de France or the ATP Finals, forgetting that the most important impact of the events is above all the notoriety, while the economic impact on the total GDP of the city is important but generates part-time jobs, as the 2,000 young people employed for the ATP Finals know well.

Just today the Ambrosetti Study on Istat and Banca d’Italia data says that in Piedmont the employment generated by tourism is worth 6.2% of the total while the expenditure of foreign tourists per inhabitant is equal to 369 euros (14th in Italy) while according to the Sole 24 ore Turin is only the 10th Italian city for tourism. This is why the automotive sector in Turin had to be defended with great force, a sector in great change with investments in research as you can easily verify at the Polytechnic while Lo Russo has repeatedly asked to focus on electric cars and the PD has even voted the unfortunate resolution according to which in 2035 only electric cars will have to be produced. While in Turin without any strike being called, agreements for early retirement were signed and people were satisfied with a Mirafiori recycling factory, today we are starting to see the first results of the action of Minister Adolfo Urso. Which, using the money from the Giorgetti fund (born from my initiative), wants to bring car production back to our country, which fell last year to 460,000, from 1 million a year. After a heated clash between the Government and Stellantis, Tavares finally announced the arrival of the hybrid 500 at Mirafiori while the minister is looking for a second manufacturer.

A contribution to the relaunch of Turin will certainly come from investments in new hospitals but by the Region, as announced by President Alberto Cirio. Zero news for the suburbs, apart from the arrival of the Army. Security problems have certainly not diminished. The only difference for Barriera is that it is less talked about in the newspapers but the problems remain. Palazzo del Lavoro (Nervi) still abandoned to decay, the escalators of the metro are largely stopped. The problems of the construction site that is bringing the Metro to Cascine Vica are many. The great slowness, over ten years, in defining the project of Line 2 of the Metro has led to the very painful cutting of some stops. Here fortunately we have a commissioner, Eng. Dino Chiaia, very good who will remain even when the voters of Turin are convinced, in just over 2 years, to give a clear turn to our beautiful but badly administered Turin.

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