The voice of the Righteous in the schools of Lecco, Pesaro and Venice

The voice of the Righteous in the schools of Lecco, Pesaro and Venice
The voice of the Righteous in the schools of Lecco, Pesaro and Venice

The memory of good It must be practiced daily and there are many tools available to us today to spread it.

Know the stories of the Righteous It is a gesture of care, to prevent the mechanisms of hatred. They are women and men who, in the dark barbarities, dictatorships and genocides, shed light and show us that, as human beings, we always have the ability to choose.
The competition announcement “Adopt a Righteous One”, promoted by the Gariwo Foundation with the Ministry of Education and Meritbrings that light among students of all levels of schools. Between short films, comics and poems, in this school year there were over 300 registrations and the three winning classes were awarded with participation in a creative workshop on writing and creating a podcast.

A tool for learning to listen and to listen to yourself

In recent years, great attention has been paid to the podcast. Initially a niche movement, and then, with the Covid-19 pandemic, audio productions offered an opportunity to convey education, knowledge and culture beyond any physical distancing.
Structured in key educationala podcast can be a tool for in-depth analysisas well as a valid support to theschool activityIts implementation, in addition to promoting theinteraction between female and male students, allows to improve individual skills I listen, reading e writing. The laboratory carried out in the three classes that won the tender “Adopt a Righteous One”, in fact, had the aim of encourage creativity and consequently the podcast production conceived and managed entirely by students.

An invitation to acquire greater self-awarenessof their own capacity e emotionswhy learn to listen – and above all to listen to each otherrecognizing and accepting one’s own voice – is a very powerful tool for overcoming theintroversion.

Media literacy: the method to bring out the voice of the new generations

Collaborating in small groups, the participating students, namely the fifth classes of the primary school “I. Calvino” of Bosisio Parini (Lecco), the 3D of the Comprehensive Institute “GF Malipiero” of Marcon (Venezia) and the classes of the “T. Mamiani” high school of Pesarothey compared the path they had taken during the entire school year and decided independently which topics to structure their podcast episode around.
The workshop, based on the method learning by doingallowed the participants to acquire the basic tools needed to write an episode, structuring it as if it were an interview (role playing training), understand how to set up a dialogue in front of the microphone and use your voice better through breathing techniques, posture and reading aloud. Each group formed a small journalistic editorial team nominating a journalist, at least one interviewee and at least one person in charge of conducting the writing and structuring phase of the interview. Starting from a brainstorming on the activities carried out by the class during the year, the participants independently evaluated which themes to develop the interview on, different in each editorial office. Finally they produced the script by identifying questions and key words to structure the answers.
Each group, once the recording phase was completed, listened to their episode again, analyzing their strengths and “mistakes” made, to improve the use of their voice.


The first workshop took place in the morning of Wednesday, May 22nd in the primary school “I. Calvino” of Bosisio Pariniin the province of Leccowhere the fifth grade classes won first prize with a video dedicated to the life of Luisa Colombo AndreaniRighteous Among the Nations. Here the activity was mainly concentrated on the technique of role playing: the boys and girls, working in seven small groups, created as many podcast episodes in which each of them was able to record and listen to their own voice. In the various interviews, the groups worked to bring out the path taken throughout the school year, giving space above all to the story of the theathral show made by them.


For lower secondary schools, the prize was awarded to class 3D of the “GF Malipiero” Comprehensive Institute of Marka Venezia and it was held at their school Monday 3rd JuneDuring the school year the students have created a comic book on the topic of fight against the mafiain particular on the figures of Rocco Chinnici e Felicia Bartolotta Kneaded. Also in this case the different working groups presented the activities carried out, focusing mainly on the two reference Righteous and on the methods of execution of the comic, an activity in which they participated with great enthusiasm.


In the end, Tuesday 4th Junethe last workshop with the girls of the “T. Mamiani” high school in Pesaro, a more structured work that involved the creation of three different episodes, through which the participating students presented the activity dedicated to the Kanun CodeAlbanian women and men of Islamic faith who, during the Nazi-Fascist persecutions, saved numerous Jewish communities. The first episode introduces the theme by underlining that the Righteous are not heroic people, but transmit heroism in their disarming normality. Next, space for the multiculturalism with “The recipe for peace” by the students of the hotel management institute and, finally, “A look beyond the border”, to retrace the current situation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

On air: a hand’s breadth from the microphone to learn to listen

The laboratory offered an opportunity to creative and personal growth for all the students involved, because speaking at an open microphone is not a trivial activity and tests one’s awareness of oneself and one’s emotions.
Podcasting is one of the most popular communication tools accessible both from the point of view of inclusiveness and for the availability – also economic – of the tools necessary for production. The hope is that it can be a first, important reference in digital communication for all the people participating in the workshop, because recording a podcast means practicing active listeninggiving the right weight to each single word.

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