Spina: “In Bisceglie two different ways of doing politics, Action will be at the service of the community”

Spina: “In Bisceglie two different ways of doing politics, Action will be at the service of the community”
Spina: “In Bisceglie two different ways of doing politics, Action will be at the service of the community”

“Yesterday in Bisceglie two different ways and worlds of doing politics: on the one hand the tactics, the transversalisms typical of the oldest and most vulgar politics of a right-left administration which carried Decaro in procession, among a few insiders, to the Angarano committee, where there were the councilors and councilors of the right-left Bisceglie mix-up, who want to make Decaro’s result in Bisceglie’s name without ‘measuring themselves’. The ‘purists’ of the PD have long ‘blessed’ the transversal committee, united by economic interests, which today recognizes itself in Decaro, from whom in the future they would like the same ‘protection’ granted to them so far to continue producing ‘bad management’ without consequences ‘ of the city, with the moral, cultural and material degradation of Bisceglie, which is there for all to see. In the Politeama, however, just yesterday the novelty of the protagonism of the new generations was celebrated, with Action which gave centrality to young people and to the politics of values, programs, contents, discussion for the future and progress of communities”. The opposition city councilor is speaking Francesco SpinaProvincial Secretary Bat action.

“On the one hand votes were counted and interests were added, on the other democracy was nurtured and the emancipation, courage and freedom of young people and our communities were celebrated. I have chosen for some time – he continues – even making mistakes in the past, to put uncommon maturity and political experience at the service of the community and the younger ones. Without self-interest and without fueling the politics that is corrupting, putting Silvestris and Angarano together, right and left, at the service of projects that have nothing political. Yesterday the ‘committee’ was at the service of Decaro, tomorrow it will be at the service of others. Action, the young people who from all over Puglia were in Bisceglie yesterday, I am sure will be at the service of the communities, of the democracy of freedom, and not of those who will offer them political ‘protection’ to carry out simple management. It was to Action is the best way to honor the holiday of June 2nd and to wish our best wishes to our Republic, born with the sacrifice of the Constituents and certainly not from the liturgies and transversalisms of the political degradation that has characterized our city in recent years”.

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