drop in attendance in June. Also in Calabria -15% compared to last year

drop in attendance in June. Also in Calabria -15% compared to last year
drop in attendance in June. Also in Calabria -15% compared to last year

CATANZARO The data released by Sib – Sindacato Italiano Balneari (Italian Beach Resort Union) are not comforting, as they report generalized drops in attendance in June compared to last year, with the exception of Molise which alone scores an excellent +10%. The only salvation, as in other sectors of tourism, is represented by foreigners. Things are no better in Calabria where a -15 percent of attendance is reported. Antonio Giannotti, Calabrian head of the Italian Beach Resort Union (Sib), affiliated with Confcommercio, is calling for attention to the sector. «The negative data – Giannotti explained in an interview with Courier of Calabria – it is certainly the result of some weekends disturbed by bad weather, but the data that weighs most is the serious regulatory uncertainty dictated by the “Bolkestein directive” which has not allowed all tourist facilities on the maritime state property to make a proper promotion with enthusiasm, but above all with the investments that must be made in anticipation of a season. These investments have been completely frozen by the regulatory uncertainty that weighs on all tourism activities.“. In Calabria, there are approximately 1,800 concessions, which also include restaurants, hotels and campsites. As for prices, there have been no significant increases and, on average, you spend 10-12 euros for a beach umbrella and two deck chairs, up to 20 euros with sun loungers. “In Calabria, on average, prices have not been adjusted. The great thing about our Calabria – Giannotti added – is that we offer a great choice along the entire coast, with a variety of services, so there is the possibility of a wide choice even in the same municipality, on the same coast”.

The appeal

«Customers used to call us to make reservations, today they call us to know if we still exist, this is disheartening. We need a strong signal from the Government, because the regional resolution is not enough. Investments, especially private ones, need certainty and the ability to plan. This is an absolutely vital sector as far as the activity itself is concerned, because in perspective there is a demand for more services, more activities, but it is absolutely in crisis as far as the total block of any type of investment is concerned”. This is the appeal launched by the Calabrian representative of the seaside resorts.

Antonio Giannotti

The estimates

According to the survey conducted on a sample of Italian seaside businesses, attendance has decreased in all Italian regions. In detail: Abruzzo -20%, Basilicata -11%, Calabria -15%, Campania -30%, Emilia Romagna -25%, Friuli Venezia Giulia -30%, Lazio -50%, Liguria -60%, Marche unchanged, Molise +10%, Puglia -20%, Sardinia -15%, Sicily unchanged, Tuscany -15%, Veneto -15%.

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