“We find ourselves in a situation of stalemate and inertia”

The parents of the young pupils of the Querzoli school are denouncing a “situation of stalemate and inertia” and, pointing the finger at the municipal administration, speak of numerous delays “in dealing with some problems relating to the spaces of the institute and their insecurity”. The parents’ committee recalls how “For years the Querzoli Municipal Nursery School, whose educational proposal is focused on outdoor education, has had an enormous problem: the garden. The Management Committee (made up of parents and teachers) has for about two years highlighted numerous problems affecting the School’s garden, for example: – Pigeon droppings invading areas in front of the garden; – A part of the garden perpetually exposed to the sun; – The very dry dusty soil which irritates the skin of many children (certified from dermatologists); numerous reports, requests, communications, requests for intervention have occurred in these two years but to date nothing has changed”.

“Does the Administration care about children’s health? – asks the committee. – It seems to Querzoli’s parents that it doesn’t. The responses received, always with less than conciliatory tones, proposed interventions with times and contents that were never clear and ultimately forced this representation of families to resign from the role of members of the management committee. A body identified as assisting school activities and economic management. Over the years, the Committee has financed the purchase of books, information material, the psychomotor project ( training and material), school supplies, toys, garden furniture as well as support for the digitalisation of the school’s historical documentary archive, integrating ordinary municipal funding in a non-negligible manner, through the organization of self-financing initiatives The committee, in agreement with the teachers, presented the project for a collaboration agreement to take responsibility for improving the external common spaces but due to political choices and legal quibbles this agreement was never stipulated. The exchanges with the Administration have intensified in recent months, and then reached an irreconcilable point: it is clear that the needs of the families and their commitment to the common interest and well-being of 150 boys and girls, travel at rhythms very different from those of the PA”

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