Farmaè Viareggio ko: the Italian beach soccer Super Cup heads to Catania

Farmaè Viareggio ko: the Italian beach soccer Super Cup heads to Catania
Farmaè Viareggio ko: the Italian beach soccer Super Cup heads to Catania

The 2024 Italian Super Cup of beach soccer goes to Catania, which beats Farmaè Viareggio 5-2 at the “Matteo Valenti” beach stadium. The Bianconeri, who triumphed in the Scudetto final against the Etna team in 2023, thus see their chance of winning the first trophy of the season disappear. The next event will be the Euro Winners Cup, scheduled in Nazaré (Portugal) from 9 to 16 June.

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Corosiniti confirms the usual starting-five with Carpita, Ozu Moreira, Zè Lucas, Léo Martins and Remedi. Bertacca, Genovali, Fazzini and Gori make up the second quartet. Catania, eager to make up for the heavy defeat in last year’s Italian final, wants to put pressure on the Bianconeri. The intention finds concrete confirmation in the various opportunities created in the first half, but all defused by an exceptional Carpita: the Juventus captain masterfully opposes the free throws from midfield by Be Martins and Catarino and the double attempt in rapid sequence by Giordani (diagonal and acrobatics). VBS, having overcome the suffering phase, responds with two oversized shots from Ozu and Léo Martins, while in the 10th minute they are helped by good luck, because Caique hits the post with an overhead kick, then the ball hits Carpita’s knee. The goalkeeper is attentive to Josep Jr’s next shot. The Bianconeri end the half in crescendo: Padilha blocks Remedi’s free throw, immediately after Léo Martins angles the overhead kick too much, Zè Lucas does the same with a poisonous shot from a tight angle.

The pace remains very high even at the start of the second part: back and forth with Catarino challenging Carpita with a bicycle kick and Léo Martins again touching the post with a poisonous slash from a free throw. Gabriele Gori broke the deadlock in the 4th minute with a cross-footed stone from the left after an assist from Fazzini. Sixth goal of the season for “Tin-Tin”, number 367 in black and white. The advantage, however, lasts very little: a minute later, in fact, Catania equalizes with Josep Jr’s close-range acrobatics. VBS doesn’t feel the pinch and shortly thereafter comes close to 2-1 twice, with Zè’s wide diagonal Lucas and Léo Martins’ free throw providentially saved by Padilha. Who also wins the duel with the Portuguese in the 11th minute by lifting a counter-ball shot into the corner. 16 seconds from the end of the second set Be Martins puts Catania ahead with a free throw from his own half.

After Carpita’s save on Be Martins’ left, Léo Martins fails to take advantage of an inviting free throw. In the 3rd minute Catania extends the lead to 3-1. In the 4th minute with Catarino’s header which Carpita can do nothing about. Josep Jr misses the target on a free throw. In the 5th minute Léo Martins reopened the match with a left-footed shot under the top corner that gave Padilha no chance. VBS persists in search of an equalizer: Carpita tries in vain from distance, then Gori is anticipated a few steps from the goal. Less than 2 minutes from the end, following the development of a corner, Josep Jr brings the Sicilians to 4-2 with a surgical right. The exclamation point on the final is put by Giordani, with his left foot. The Italian Super Cup heads to Catania.


FARMAÈ VIAREGGIO: Carpita, Rombi, Bertacca, Genovali, Ozu, Zè Lucas, Remedi, G. Santini, Ghilarducci, Léo Martins, Gori, Fazzini. All. Corosinites

DOMUSBET.TV CATANIA: Romano, Campagna, Catarino, Josep Jr, Farinha, Be Martins, Percia Montani, Padilha, Caique, Fred, Barbagallo, Giordani. Coach Fabricio Santos

Referees: Peacock from Forlì, Sacchi from Lecco, Romani from Modena

Networks: 4′ st Gori (V), 5′ st Josep Jr (C), 12′ st Be Martins (C), 3′ st st Catarino (C), 5′ st st Léo Martins (V), 11′ st st Josep Jr (C ), 11′ apt Giordani (C)

Partial: 0-0, 1-2

Note: yellow cards Giordani (C), Bertacca (V)

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