Passaggi Festival returns from 26 to 30 June in Fano

In the meetings of Passaggi Festival (26-30 June, Fano) there will also be Francesco Pompilio (26), Alessandro Cattelan (27), Daniele Bossari (27), Beatrice Luzzi (28), Riccardo Rossi (28), Luca Bizzarri (28), Luca De Gennaro (28), Roby Facchinetti (29 ), Gianluca Grignani (29), Giulia Bellucci (28), Ludovico Tersigni (30) and then five meetings on the beach with books that ‘play’ the singer-songwriters (26) and the Beatles (27), the Who (30), the music of the 50s (29) and the black American one (28).

“The key words of the festival are non-fiction and non-fiction – explain the organizers – and we like to propose books that can speak to audiences of different ages and interests”. The first to go on stage (27/6, 7.30 pm) will be the radio and television host Daniele Bossari, a professional who has been able to stand out for his eclecticism. At Passaggi he will converse with the journalist Elisabetta Stefanelli and present “Cristallo. Journey to discover stones and their power ”(Mondadori), a book where he invites us to discover the beneficial potential of stones.

Same day, 9.30 pm, he will arrive at the Pincio Alessandro Cattelan. Well-known host and television personality, he won over the public with his irony and original style. He founded the ‘Accento’ publishing house precisely for this courageous cultural undertaking will receive the ‘Fuori Passaggi’ Award at the end of the meeting which will see him converse with the writer Matteo B. Bianchi and with the editorial consultant Gianmario Pilo.
Friday 28th, 9.30 pm, again at the Pincio in Fano, the guest will be Luca Bizzarri, which graced the stages of theaters and cinemas, giving the public irresistible gags and iconic characters. Interviewed by the magnificent duo of Rai Radio 2’s Lunatici, Roberto Arduini and Andrea Di Ciancio, he will present “They don’t have a friend” (Mondadori), a book which, through a series of ironic and provocative reflections, paints a caustic portrait of contemporary Italian society.
At 10.30 pm he will go up on the Pincio stage Luca De Gennaro, one of the greatest Italian DJs, interviewed by DJ and music critic Luca Valentini. The book, “Generazione alternative 1991-1995” (Rizzoli), tells the unpredictable story of the early nineties and how underground music, grunge and hip hop, and then techno and Britpop, conquered the charts and revolutionized the market, after the crisis of the late 1980s.

Also on Friday 28th, in Piazza XX Settembre, lactress and author Beatrice Luzzialso popular for having participated in Big Brother and TV series such as ‘Un posto al sole’, will present the book “Ribelli” by Nando dalla Chiesa, whose text “Poliziotta per amore” he had brought to the theatre.

On Saturday 29 June at the Pincio (7.30 pm) there will be Gianluca Grignani with co-author Eugenio Arcidiacono who will present, in dialogue with the journalist Simonetta Sciandivasci of La Stampa, “Residui di rock’n’roll. Sincere diary of an artist” (Edizioni San Paolo). In this book, following the thread of his most beautiful songs (and looking at the next ones that are seeing the light), Grignani shows himself to the public with sincerity and the desire to convey and provoke emotions. Because music saved him and motivated him, made him famous and guided, exposed and protected. And we have all received much from such courageous generosity.

It will arrive on the same day in Piazza XX Settembre (10.30 pm). Roby Facchinetti, historical leader of Pooh, interviewed by journalist Claudio Salvi. His unmistakable voice and his timeless songs have made him a point of reference for entire generations. “What a spectacle life is. My story” (Sperling & Kupfer) is an autobiography in which the musician retraces his life, both public and private, with an invitation to seize every moment and never stop dreaming.

Sunday 30 June at the Pincio (10.30 pm) the meeting is with the actor and TV presenter Ludovico Tersigni, author of “See you beyond the horizon” (Rizzoli). He will talk about this journey in search of oneself, to breathe again and rediscover the happiness hidden behind a new horizon, with Ivana Stjepanovic.

Two theatrical shows in the suggestive open-air former church of San Francesco. In the first of the two he will be the protagonist the actor Francesco Pompilio who he will play “The story of Adriano Olivetti” (26/6, 10.30 pm, Companies Talk production), while in the second, “Books feel alone” (28/6, 10.30 pm, from the book of the same name by Luigi Contu), there will be one of the faces most loved by the Italian public, Riccardo Rossi, together with the award-winning actress Giulia Bellucci and Nicola Gaggi from Fano.

An entirely musical event will have its stage on the Fosso Sejore seafront (Bagni Elsa). One book a day from Wednesday 26th to Sunday 30th June, at aperitif time (6.30pm): Wednesday 26th Massimo PapinI will present “The music that goes around. The story of the singer-songwriters 1960 – 1980” (Affinità Elettive) in dialogue with Davide Morresi (Read and play), Thursday 27 Roberto Paravagna with “Four rings between the fingers. Life of Ringo Starr” (Arcana) will converse with Paolo Molinelli of BeatleSenigallia; Friday 28 Carlo Babando will discuss with Luca Valentini on the book “Miss Black America. Sound paths in Afro-American identity” (Sargasso Sea); Saturday 29 Giuseppe Ganelli and Emilio Targia with “Our story. The whole world of Happy Days” (Minerva) will dialogue with the radio speaker Francesca Federici; Sunday 30 Antonio Bacciocchi will present “Quadrophenia” (Interno 4) in dialogue with Luca Valentini.

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