Speed ​​camera decree, are motorists already at risk on June 2nd? What you need to know to avoid finding yourself with empty wallets

Speed ​​camera decree, are motorists already at risk on June 2nd? What you need to know to avoid finding yourself with empty wallets
Speed ​​camera decree, are motorists already at risk on June 2nd? What you need to know to avoid finding yourself with empty wallets

The rules on speed cameras will change in June: here’s what you need to know.

Italian citizens they had been waiting for him for almost fourteen years and, finally, on May 29th it became reality and was published in the Official Journal. The famous Speed ​​Camera Decree, in fact, will finally regulate precisely where and how the devices for detecting the speed of vehicles circulating on the road can be positioned and the rules will be clear and regulated once and for all.

Although everyone knows that speed cameras and devices that remotely detect violations of speed limits are aimed at protecting the safety of citizens, in fact many times motorists but not only they complained about the methods with which these devices handed out fines, sometimes considered excessive. Evidence of this problem are the thousands of appeals presented by citizens themselves regarding fines of this type, often won.

So here it is what are the new rules regarding speed cameras, where these stations can be placed in their fixed and mobile variants and what are all the new features that every motorist now needs to know.

The news of the Speed ​​Camera Decree

The new Decree finally intervenes to establish the methods for placing these control stations, as well as the methods of use of these devices: these rules refer both to the speed cameras that already exist and to those that will be installed from today onwards . An important novelty is that of minimum distance between the control station itself and the sign of notice: this must be 250 meters on motorways and main extra-urban roads, 150 meters on secondary extra-urban and urban roads and 80 meters on all others.

Furthermore, from now on, on main, secondary and local motorways and extra-urban motorways, when motorists find fixed devices it means that the speed limit on that road is no more than 20 km/h lower than that normally set by the Highway Code . On urban roads, however, the devices can only be used if the speed limit is reached is not less than 50 km/h.

Speed ​​camera decree, what changes in June: maximum attention to the new rules (targetmotori.com / depositphotos)

Some other news

With regard to the types of roads in which they can be placed speed cameras, according to the new Decree, these devices can be installed if one of these conditions exists: high level of accidents documented by a specific analysis of numbers and types of events, impossibility of proceeding with an immediate complaint due to some intrinsic characteristics of the stretch or presence of multiple lanes in each direction.

However, some particular conditions of poor visibility due to recurring atmospheric phenomena, the composition and volume of traffic and the presence of vehicle operating speeds are also valid conditions for installation.

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