80th anniversary of the Anzio landing: the project of the students of the Nautical Institute

80th anniversary of the Anzio landing: the project of the students of the Nautical Institute
80th anniversary of the Anzio landing: the project of the students of the Nautical Institute

Anzio, 2 June 2024 – On the occasion of the80th anniversary of the Anglo-American landing at Anzio and Nettuno and the anniversary of Liberation of Rome on 4 June 1944 the presentation of the research and the video “Crossed Destinies” created by students of the ITTL “Marcantonio Colonna”, the Nautical Institute of Anzio directed by Dr. Barbara Durante.

The work is the result of PNRR project “Guardians of the Coast” for the fight against school dropout and focuses on the analysis of the Anzio landing from a nautical point of view. The centerpiece is the story of the British naval cruiser HMS Spartan, who participated in the landing and support operations of the military fleet in Anzio, and of his faithful sailor – and veteran – Geoffrey Smith, who survived the tragic sinking of the Spartan off the city coast.

Geoffrey Smith – whose photo as a young sailor stands out on the poster – over the years has always taken part in the celebrations of the Landing in Anzio wearing uniform and medals, and wanted his ashes to be scattered in the sea of ​​the city where his comrades had died.
The students also carried out an Italy – UK video interview with his daughter, Chrissy Smith, about her father’s life and events.

In the PNRR project, an underwater robot “ROV” was also used, piloted by Nautical students who carried out archaeological filming of the seabed off the coast and searches for military wrecks from the Landing, such as the US Curtis p40 plane which sank on 22 January 1944, day of Operation “Shingle”. Project coordinators: teachers Giuseppe Cavaliere, Gaetano Montella, Beatrice Locantro.

Working group: male and female students of classes IV of the Naval Vessel Management Course; Operation of maritime plant equipment; Shipbuilders and logistics technicians.

The “Marcantonio Colonna” Nautical Institute thanks you

– Mrs. Chrissy Smith for sharing her family memories
– the Municipality of Anzio and the Extraordinary Commission for having granted the Council Chamber and supported the event
– the Landing Museum of Anzio for the material, collaboration and advice provided
– Colonel Claudio Morino, president of the U – Boat Association, for the conference on the Landing from a nautical point of view and information on the wrecks of the “Shingle” operation
– Survival Training srl for the use of boats in trips carried out for underwater filming.

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