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“We won’t stop until we find the third one, the hope is that he is still alive”

Firefighters recovered the lifeless bodies of two girls in the waters of the Natisone on Sunday morning. In all likelihood, they are Patrizia Cormos and Bianca Doros, who were swept away by the flood of the river on Friday with their friend Cristian Molnar. The two bodies were approximately 700 and 1000 meters from the point of the last sighting. Now only the young man is missing. After the second night of unsuccessful searches, they resumed their search at dawn the overflights of helicopters and drones and teams of firefighters and the Civil Protection are continuing to search the territory tirelessly.

We are looking for the third missing person

«The research continues with all the resources we have in the field. We won’t stop until we also find the third missing person. The hope, although limited, is to find him still alive.” To tell Adnkronos Sergio Benedetti, deputy commander of the Fire Brigade of Udine. «The conditions of the river are gradually improving because the water, albeit very slowly, is now decreasing – explains – It’s sunny now, but we need to see what the weather is like upstream. We found the girls far from each other, the first body was found by firefighters with qualifications in river techniques, searching the river, they recovered the second one Civil Protection volunteers.”

Divers in the water

The divers they went back to diving to explore the waters and some dog units are also operational and are searching the areas that have become dry again. In the meantime, the families of the three boys met at Natisone, near the spot where Patrizia’s handbag was found on June 1st and the cell phone with which the young woman had called for help on Friday. With them there is also a volunteer psychologist from the Civil Protection who is trying to give support and comfort in these endless days of research. The community of Premariacco is also nearby and has been busy in the last few hours to bring something to eat and drink to the rescuers and the relatives of the three boys.

Good weather

The river has dropped by more than three meters and its flow has returned to almost normal, i.e. the average for this period of the year, a circumstance that favored the discovery of Patrizia, Bianca. «The searches have restarted massively – confirmed Michele De Sabata, mayor of Premariacco -. I believe today’s weather and water levels may put divers in a position to operate in a constant and effective manner, even if the currents that characterize the most complex stretch, i.e. the one between Premariacco and Paderno, are always dangerous even for the most experienced. Everyone is working and believe me there are a lot of people. A special thank you goes to all my colleagues and citizens, to the Alpine troops and civic volunteers who shared the tasks of being close to parents and helping all the rescuers. This is yet another demonstration that we are an excellent community. Strength and courage.”

“They could have escaped”

On May 31st the boys they had entered the Premariacco beach when there was no water yet and the sun was shining in the sky. They didn’t imagine that within a few minutes they would be surprised by the flood of the Natisone. «If they knew the river and the place they would have run away – says the mayor –. Unfortunately, not knowing, they missed the moment and the water picked up such a speed that they could not find it no foothold nor the 2 volunteers who came down on Friday to lend a handnor to Cristian who dived in and immediately came back to the girls, nor to the fireman who made his last attempt in desperation he threw himself into the water in the direction of the boys to try to save them. Let’s all say a prayer and hope in God.”

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