L’Aquila weather, forecast for tomorrow Monday 3 June


The weather forecast in L’Aquila for Monday 3 June they predict a start to the day with overcast skies and light rain during the night, with temperatures around +12°C and cloud cover around the 70-80%. Precipitation is expected to gradually decrease through the morning, while still maintaining a chance of rain around 70% until the early hours of the afternoon.

During the morning, temperatures will rise slightly, with values ​​reaching +17°C at about 10:00while still maintaining cloud cover around the 60%. Weather conditions will improve throughout the day, with a decrease in cloud cover and few clouds appearing around 1:00 pmwith a chance of rain around8%.

In the afternoon, the sky will be partly cloudy with cloud cover around 30%and temperatures will remain around +19°C. The weather conditions will be stable until the evening, with clear skies and no precipitation.

In conclusion, on Monday 3 June in L’Aquila an improvement in weather conditions is expected during the day, with a decrease in rainfall and an increase in temperatures. The forecast indicates an afternoon with partly cloudy skies and pleasant temperatures around +19°C. However, it is still advisable to monitor weather updates for any changes in the forecast.

All weather data for Monday 3 June in L’Aquila

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